TENGA EN CUENTA: Debido a la COVID-19, las sesiones de información para pacientes nuevos no se llevan a cabo actualmente y los grupos de apoyo para pacientes se se llevan a cabo virtualmente.
Cambie su vida con la cirugía para bajar de peso de Boston Medical Center
Si usted o alguien que conoce vive con obesidad, comprende las luchas de un sinfín de programas de pérdida de peso que no han dado resultados, el agotamiento de las pequeñas tareas y el aumento de diversos riesgos para la salud debido al peso.
En Boston Medical Center, nuestro equipo comprende estos desafíos y trabaja con cada paciente para encontrar el mejor tratamiento y la mejor opción quirúrgica. Nuestros cirujanos han realizado miles de cirugías exitosas y nuestro Programa de Cirugía Bariátrica está reconocido como un Centro Integral Acreditado por MBSAQIP.
La cirugía para bajar de peso puede ayudarlo a perder peso y proporcionar una excelente herramienta para controlar su peso y sus problemas de salud relacionados con el peso.
Nuevas sesiones de información para pacientes
Si está interesado en obtener más información sobre el Programa de Cirugía Bariátrica en Boston Medical Center, llame a nuestra oficina al 617-414-8052 para registrarse para una Sesión de Información para Pacientes Nuevos. Tendrá la oportunidad de conocer a nuestros cirujanos, recibir información introductoria sobre opciones quirúrgicas, y aprender sobre el camino hacia la cirugía en un ambiente amigable y de apoyo. Estas sesiones se ofrecen tanto en inglés como en español.
Fije una cita
Para fijar una cita o si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la cirugía para bajar de peso de Boston Medical Center, llámenos al 617.414.8052.
Mire nuestro video informativo sobre la obesidad, los procedimientos que ofrecemos y la manera en que podemos ayudarlo en su recorrido para lograr una pérdida de peso duradera.
en Español
Tratamientos y Servicios
En Boston Medical Center, ofrecemos dos tipos de cirugía de pérdida de peso: bypass gástrico y manga gástrica (gastrectomía vertical en manga). Estos procedimientos, que comúnmente se realizan por vía laparoscópica, limitan la cantidad de alimentos que puede comer y pueden lograr una excelente pérdida de peso. Hay algunas diferencias importantes que deben tenerse en cuenta cuando usted y su cirujano decidan cuál es el mejor procedimiento para usted.
Nuestro Equipo
El Programa de Cirugía Bariátrica de Boston Medical Center está reconocido como Centro de Excelencia por el Colegio Americano de Cirujanos. El equipo está formado por líderes nacionales, que son expertos en sus campos y han realizado más de mil cirugías.
Nuestros médicos de pérdida de peso ofrecen muchas opciones quirúrgicas y no quirúrgicas para la obesidad, como la cirugía bariátrica o la cirugía de pérdida de peso, el bypass gástrico, la banda gástrica y la cirugía de manga gástrica.
Cirujanos Bariatras
Donald T Hess, MD
Brian J. Carmine, MD
Social Worker
Registered Dietitians
Wendy Anderson, MS, RDN, LDN
Senior Bariatric Surgery Dietitian
Wendy has been practicing as a bariatric dietitian since 1999. She has and continues to be the lead dietitian in several obesity-related research projects including the implementation of Boston Medical Center's surgical weight-management clinical database. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition Sciences at the University of Vermont and completed her Dietetic Internship and Master Degree at the University of Rhode Island. She has authored multiple publications in the field of obesity medicine which have been published in peer-reviewed journals. She has presented topics on bariatric surgery at obesity conferences including Obesity Week and the Boston Nutrition Obesity Research Center (BONRC). Prior to her current position as Senior Bariatric Surgery Dietitian, she was the dietitian for the obesity program at Jewish Memorial Hospital located in Boston, MA. She is a member of the Weight Management Practice Group affiliated with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Wendy's special interests include obesity research, bariatric surgery, weight management, integrative medicine, and mindful eating practices.
Claire LeBrun, MPH, RDN, LDN
Bariatric Surgery Dietitian
Claire has been practicing as a registered dietitian since 1986. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition from the University of Florida (1986) and a Master of Public Health degree in Health Promotion / Disease Prevention from Florida International University ( 1992). She has also completed graduate level counseling courses and extensive training in "Motivational Interviewing", a non-authoritative counseling style, which has been proven effective in eliciting health-related behavior change.
Before becoming a bariatric surgery dietitian at Boston Medical Center, she was the Senior Nutritionist at the Medical Faculty Associates of George Washington University. Claire was in private practice before this, and held positions at both the George Washington University Lipid Research Clinic as a Research Assistant and the George Washington University Weight Management Program as the Director of Nutrition Services for 12 years. She specializes in bariatrics (weight management), endocrinology, cardiology and gastrointestinal nutrition disorders.
Currently, as a fulltime bariatric dietitian at BMC, Claire sees patients for pre and post-operative weight loss surgery and leads both bariatric educational classes and support groups.
Lesley Levitt, MS, RDN, LDN
Bariatric Surgery Dietitian
Lesley completed her dietetic education at Simmons College along with a Master of Science in Applied Nutrition from Northeastern University. Following her academic work, she completed a clinical internship at Mount Auburn Hospital where she was trained in their Surgical Weight Loss Program. Lesley comes from a background in nutrition research focused on obesity and weight management. Prior to coming to Boston Medical Center, she was involved in weight loss research studies at both Tuft's University in the Energy Metabolism lab, and Boston Children's Hospital in the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center.
Social Worker
Registered Dietitians
Wendy Anderson, MS, RDN, LDN
Senior Bariatric Surgery Dietitian
Wendy has been practicing as a bariatric dietitian since 1999. She has and continues to be the lead dietitian in several obesity-related research projects including the implementation of Boston Medical Center's surgical weight-management clinical database. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition Sciences at the University of Vermont and completed her Dietetic Internship and Master Degree at the University of Rhode Island. She has authored multiple publications in the field of obesity medicine which have been published in peer-reviewed journals. She has presented topics on bariatric surgery at obesity conferences including Obesity Week and the Boston Nutrition Obesity Research Center (BONRC). Prior to her current position as Senior Bariatric Surgery Dietitian, she was the dietitian for the obesity program at Jewish Memorial Hospital located in Boston, MA. She is a member of the Weight Management Practice Group affiliated with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Wendy's special interests include obesity research, bariatric surgery, weight management, integrative medicine, and mindful eating practices.
Claire LeBrun, MPH, RDN, LDN
Bariatric Surgery Dietitian
Claire has been practicing as a registered dietitian since 1986. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition from the University of Florida (1986) and a Master of Public Health degree in Health Promotion / Disease Prevention from Florida International University ( 1992). She has also completed graduate level counseling courses and extensive training in "Motivational Interviewing", a non-authoritative counseling style, which has been proven effective in eliciting health-related behavior change.
Before becoming a bariatric surgery dietitian at Boston Medical Center, she was the Senior Nutritionist at the Medical Faculty Associates of George Washington University. Claire was in private practice before this, and held positions at both the George Washington University Lipid Research Clinic as a Research Assistant and the George Washington University Weight Management Program as the Director of Nutrition Services for 12 years. She specializes in bariatrics (weight management), endocrinology, cardiology and gastrointestinal nutrition disorders.
Currently, as a fulltime bariatric dietitian at BMC, Claire sees patients for pre and post-operative weight loss surgery and leads both bariatric educational classes and support groups.
Lesley Levitt, MS, RDN, LDN
Bariatric Surgery Dietitian
Lesley completed her dietetic education at Simmons College along with a Master of Science in Applied Nutrition from Northeastern University. Following her academic work, she completed a clinical internship at Mount Auburn Hospital where she was trained in their Surgical Weight Loss Program. Lesley comes from a background in nutrition research focused on obesity and weight management. Prior to coming to Boston Medical Center, she was involved in weight loss research studies at both Tuft's University in the Energy Metabolism lab, and Boston Children's Hospital in the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center.
Registered Dietitians
Wendy Anderson, MS, RDN, LDN
Senior Bariatric Surgery Dietitian
Wendy has been practicing as a bariatric dietitian since 1999. She has and continues to be the lead dietitian in several obesity-related research projects including the implementation of Boston Medical Center's surgical weight-management clinical database. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition Sciences at the University of Vermont and completed her Dietetic Internship and Master Degree at the University of Rhode Island. She has authored multiple publications in the field of obesity medicine which have been published in peer-reviewed journals. She has presented topics on bariatric surgery at obesity conferences including Obesity Week and the Boston Nutrition Obesity Research Center (BONRC). Prior to her current position as Senior Bariatric Surgery Dietitian, she was the dietitian for the obesity program at Jewish Memorial Hospital located in Boston, MA. She is a member of the Weight Management Practice Group affiliated with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Wendy's special interests include obesity research, bariatric surgery, weight management, integrative medicine, and mindful eating practices.
Lesley Levitt, MS, RDN, LDN
Bariatric Surgery Dietitian
Lesley completed her dietetic education at Simmons College along with a Master of Science in Applied Nutrition from Northeastern University. Following her academic work, she completed a clinical internship at Mount Auburn Hospital, where she trained in their Surgical Weight Loss Program. Lesley comes from a background in nutrition research focused on obesity and weight management. Prior to coming to Boston Medical Center, she was involved in weight loss research studies at both Tufts University in the Energy Metabolism lab, and Boston Children's Hospital in the New Balance Foundation Obesity Prevention Center.
Recursos del Paciente
Preguntas frecuentes
Nuestra sección de Preguntas frecuentes se refiere a las prácticas generalmente estándar y aceptadas basadas en los Estados Unidos. Como siempre, consulte con su médico para determinar sus prácticas, pautas y lo que recomiendan para usted.
Cirugía mínimamente invasiva
La obesidad y su salud
La obesidad es el resultado de la acumulación excesiva de grasa que excede los estándares físicos y esqueléticos del cuerpo.