Movement disorders don’t have to slow your child down. If your child is experiencing movement symptoms that you don’t think are normal, it’s important to talk to your child’s pediatrician. The pediatrician will listen to your concerns and examine your child. Then, you might need to take your child to a pediatric neurologist.
A pediatric neurologist is a doctor who specializes in children’s nervous systems. Issues with movement can be related to the nervous system and can mean the child is moving too much or too little in a way that interferes with the normal flow of movements and postures. Movement disorders can be common in babies and school-aged children.
There are many causes of movement disorders including structural damage to the brain, medications, infections, autoimmune conditions, and disorders that are inherited. Some movement disorders are caused by a disease or condition while others are not.
Given that movement disorders in children are so common, it is a surprise that this area of specialization has been slow to develop and has attracted so few pediatric neurologists with the commitment and expertise needed to advance care. At BMC, our Pediatric Movement Disorder Clinic is led by Patrick Mabray, MD, who diagnoses and treats these disorders.
“We are extremely excited to have Dr. Patrick Mabray at Boston Medical Center”, says Laurie Douglass, MD. “He has trained with world leaders in pediatric movement disorders and is highly skilled. He brings both his passion and innate sensitivity to the table when addressing the needs of our children and their families.”
Though tics and Tourette’s are perhaps some of the most common movement disorders, Dr. Mabray and his team also treats tremors, dystonia, and ataxia, among others. Beyond this, our pediatric movement disorders care unites with the equivalent adult programs to create the ability to offer continuous care across life’s stages.
If you believe your child could benefit from seeing a movement disorder specialist, talk with your child’s pediatrician. With a referral, your child can be seen in 1-2 weeks. Or, to book an appointment for your child, please call 617.414.4841 or visit www.bmc.org/pedineurology.
Podcast: Does Your Child Fidget? When Should You be Concerned?