Treatment for urinary incontinence depends on the underlying cause and how bad your incontinence is. In some cases, behavioral changes like scheduled toilet trips or diet changes may be enough to cure this condition. Pelvic floor exercises like Kegels or medications like anticholinergics may be helpful for other people.

If other treatments don't work, your doctor may recommend surgery. Types of surgery for urinary incontinence include:

  • Sling procedures, where mesh is used to create a sling that helps keep your urethra closed.
  • Prolapse surgery, for women who have incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. It's usually used with a sling procedure.
  • Bladder neck suspension, where surgeons add support for your urethra and bladder neck.
  • Artificial urinary sphincter, where a small ring is put around your bladder neck to keep it closed until you need to urinate. You'll also have a valve implanted under your skin that will cause the ring to deflate and allow urine to flow when you need to urinate.