Actualización de la política de no discriminación

Boston Medical Center Health System cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles aplicables y no discrimina por motivos de edad, raza, color, origen nacional (incluido el dominio limitado del inglés y el idioma principal), religión, cultura, discapacidades físicas o mentales, estatus socioeconómico, sexo, orientación sexual e identidad y/o expresión de género. BMCHS proporciona ayuda y servicios gratuitos a personas con discapacidades y servicios lingüísticos gratuitos a personas cuyo idioma principal no es el inglés.

Para leer nuestra Declaración de no discriminación completa, haga clic aquí.

If you are having an emergency, please call 911. If you have medical questions, please call your primary care doctor, or you may come to the Emergency Department to be seen. We are not able to give medical advice over the phone.

The Emergency Department at Boston Medical Center

The Emergency Department (ED) at Boston Medical Center provides 24/7 cutting-edge, comprehensive, team-based emergency medical care. Located in the heart of Boston’s historic South End, we offer a full complement of surgical and subspecialty consult services.

Boston Medical Center is the largest and busiest provider of trauma and emergency services in New England. Our Emergency Department serves more than 130,000 patients each year and is a national model of excellence in emergency medicine. We have a specialized pediatric emergency department staffed by board certified pediatricians and pediatric emergency medicine specialists. Our team consists of experienced emergency medicine attending physicians, advanced practice providers, emergency medicine residents, Emergency nurses, patient care techs, mental health specialists, social workers and case managers.

Read a message from the department chair


Partner with our community to deliver exceptional, accessible, and equitable emergency care, while aspiring to eliminate preventable injury and disease


The Boston Medical Center Emergency Department provides compassionate, culturally humble, and sensitive high-quality acute care to our patients while addressing the biopsychosocial needs of our diverse population, training the leaders of tomorrow, and advancing health outcomes in our community through scholarship and advocacy.

Diversity Statement

The BMC ED strives to achieve health equity, racial and social justice, and departmental diversity. As a team, we work to create and foster an inclusive and safe environment. We celebrate diversity in our patients, staff, faculty, trainees, and our surrounding community, including but not limited to all genders, races, ethnicities, languages, sexual orientations, religions, socioeconomic backgrounds, health status, country of origin, and abilities. Using education, research, and advocacy, we work to address and alleviate acute medical and social health disparities. Additionally, we take aim at upstream structural drivers of health to impact deep-rooted threats to equity.


Clínicas Especializadas

Programas y Servicios

Violence Intervention Advocacy Program

Boston Medical Center's Violence Intervention Program (VIAP) responds to all violent penetrating injuries (gunshot or stab wounds) admitted to the Emergency Department. Since 2006, VIAP has worked to guide victims of community violence through physical and emotional recovery using a trauma-informed approach to care. VIAP provides crisis intervention, mental health services, ongoing case management on an array of basic needs and individual goals, family support services, and more.

Nuestro Equipo


Dr. Ron Medzon

Médico asistente, Departamento de Emergencias; Director médico, Centro de Simulación Clínica y Educación en Enfermería Alan D. Solomont y Susan Lewis Solomont

Placeholder image for doctor

Dra. Stephanie N. Stapleton

Médico de Urgencias; Director de Simulación de Medicina de Urgencias, Alan D. Solomont & Susan Lewis Solomont Clinical Simulation & Nursing Education Center

Placeholder image for doctor

Nurse Practicioners

Recursos del Proveedor


Boston Medical Center is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and all donations are tax deductible. If you have any questions about giving, please call Our Development Office at 617.638.8990 or email

Make a donation

Noticias del Departamento

Resumen de la Investigación

The Department of Emergency Medicine Research team conducts clinical and behavioral research on a wide variety of topics and disease processes.  They are available to assist with designing and planning research, applying for IRB approval, implementing studies, performing data analysis, as well as preparing abstracts, posters, and manuscripts. The team offers a full range of research management activities from grant submission, study setup and implementation to dissemination and closure.  

Research Support

Our research team includes a full-time data manager/analyst, as well as full-time research assistants, a grant administrator and one part-time PhD bio-statistician.

Collaborate with the Department of Emergency Medicine Research

Sponsors: Interested in partnering with the Department of EM Research? Please e-mail a study synopsis to our team to assess investigator interest and site feasibility ( 

Researchers: Interested in collaborating with our EM researchers? Please e-mail us to setup a meeting to review potential partnerships (

Información Sobre Residencia y Becas

Residency Information

We offer a PGY1-4 Emergency Medicine Residency Program, with 14 residents per year. As an independent academic department at Boston University School of Medicine, our EM program is a respected leader among clinical departments.

If you are a medical student interested in applying for a rotation, or to our residency program, go to

Fellowship Information

We offer fellowships in EMS Administration, Ultrasound, and Global and Local Health Equity.

Instagram Takeover

Have you ever wondered what life is like for a BMC Emergency Medicine resident?

Dr. Jessica Faiz takes us through a day in her life and shows us a behind-the-scenes look!

Boston Medical Center Instagram page