Health Equity Rounds is a solutions-oriented, longitudinal, case-based conference series that aims to confront the effects of bias, racism, and other intersectional systems of oppression on health and healthcare. Similar to a Morbidity and Mortality conference, Health Equity Rounds aims to dissect the “whys” of a clinical story, with the goal of identifying solutions that can improve future care.
Our Impact

Now active at dozens of programs across the country, Health Equity Rounds has catalyzed concrete institutional policy changes as well as engagement in state-level and national advocacy. It has also helped normalize conversations about racism -- it has given people a vocabulary, and served as a conversation-starter and locus for community-building.​


HER residents have gone on to present at national meetings and other venues like the AAMC and Joint Commission. Health Equity Rounds conferences have also served as a starting point for residents’ writing with publications in Pediatrics, JAMA Pediatrics, New England Journal of Medicine, and MedEdPortal among top academic publications. Additionally, many former members of our team moving on to fellowship and conducting research and writing NIH career development awards on topics that they first developed interest in through Health Equity Rounds.

Recent Press and Publications