Mizajou Règleman Non-Diskriminasyon

Boston Medical Center Health System konfòm ak lwa federal dwa sivil ki aplikab yo epi li pa fè diskriminasyon sou baz laj, ras, koulè, orijin nasyonal (ki gen ladan konpetans limite angle ak lang prensipal), relijyon, kilti, andikap fizik oswa mantal, sitiyasyon sosyoekonomik, sèks, oryantasyon seksyèl ak idantite sèks ak/oswa ekspresyon. BMCHS bay èd ak sèvis gratis pou moun ki gen andikap ak sèvis lang gratis pou moun ki gen lang prensipal pa angle.

Pou li tout Deklarasyon sou Non Diskriminasyon nou an, klike isit la.


Asma Rashid, MD, MPH, is a board-certified child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist at Boston Medical Center (BMC) and a clinical assistant professor of Psychiatry at Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine. Dr. Rashid specializes in psychoanalysis, psychodynamic psychotherapy, ADHD, anxiety, depression, and PTSD. She enjoys providing clinical care to diverse patient populations and supporting clinical teaching and training of medical students and psychiatry residents. Dr. Rashid has advanced psychoanalytic therapy training and utilizes a psychoanalytical therapeutic approach with her patients, as well as medication management. She has extensive experience working with schools to perform psychiatric evaluations of children and teenagers struggling with mood, anxiety, attention, behavior and learning difficulties.
  • Departments

  • Specialties

    Child and adolescent psychiatry, psychoanalysis, psychodynamic psychotherapy, ADHD, anxiety, depression, and PTSD

  • Contact

  • Primary Location

    850 Harrison Avenue
    9th Floor, Suite 9104
    Boston, MA 02118
  • Administrative Title

    Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine

  • Residency

    Psychiatry, University of Connecticut, 2005-2008
  • Fellowship

    Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Boston Children's Hospital, 2008-2010
  • Education

    King Edward Medical University, 2005
  • Board Certifications

    Psychiatry and Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology

