Myoclonus is a sudden and brief muscle twitch that you can't control. There are two types of myoclonus:

  • Physiologic myoclonus, which is normal and happens to most people, involves quick muscle twitches. Hiccups and a jerking motion when you're falling asleep are examples of this kind of myoclonus.
  • Pathologic myoclonus causes more widespread and long-lasting muscle twitches. These are a sign of a brain or nerve condition. Pathologic myoclonus can also be a sign of a reaction to a medication.

Departments and Programs Who Treat This Condition



The Neurology Department offers a full spectrum of neurological care for all neurological disorders, from epilepsy to headaches to Alzheimer’s disease. Our robust research program…

Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders Center

Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders require individualized and ongoing care. Our interdisciplinary team of specialists provides comprehensive care to patients with th…