Rotations and Electives Year 1

Adult neurology is a total of 13 blocks. Six blocks inpatient, three blocks outpatient, and three blocks electives.

Electives and Required Rotations Years 2 and 3

The child neurology resident acts as the chief resident on our inpatient neurology service, working with adult neurology and pediatric residents and medical students assigned to neurology inpatient team. The team will cover primary epilepsy monitoring unit patient, consults from the pediatric inpatient floor, PICU, NICU, and the emergency room.

Each child neurology resident will participate in continuity clinic one session a week through the three years of training. The neurology resident will be primary responsible physician for the care of their patients, under the guidance of an attending physician.

Residents spend total of one block each year. This rotation concentrates on EEG and epilepsy but also gives focused exposure to clinical neurophysiology, including EMG, EP and sleep medicine. Resident develop skills towards independent interpretation of routine and long-term video EEG studies. In the second year, residents spend one to two sessions a week in the EMG lab and during the third year, one to two sessions a week with the sleep service. The residents are expected to prepare two brief 30-minute lectures during the two-month rotation one in each subject: EEG, sleep, EMG, and evoked potentials

Residents participate in the assessment of children with learning difficulties, behavioral and emotional problems, developmental delay, speech and language disorders, motor disabilities, attentional disorders, failure to thrive, and autism spectrum disorders. Residents will gain an understanding of educational, therapeutic, and treatment approaches to the management of the above conditions and are expected to prepare one lecture to the team.

Residents observe and have hands-on experience in the evaluation and treatment of children who have behavioral, attentional, adjustment, mood, and other psychiatric disorders, including childhood psychoses. Residents will participate in case conferences and didactic session and are expected to prepare one lecture to the team.

Residents are part of the neuropathology team evaluating daily surgical operative specimens, and participate in brain cutting sessions and neuropathology teaching conferences

Residents read daily neuroradiological studies such as MRI/A/V, CT, brain US, and angiogram with a radiology attending, fellow, or senior resident. They participate in radiology conferences and didactic session.

Residents will be an integral part of the multidisciplinary team at Spaulding Hospital and will be involved in outpatient and inpatient care for children with acute or chronic motor, language, and cognitive impairments.

Clinical electives

Many residents spend their elective time enhancing their knowledge and skills in aspects of clinical neurology in which they are particularly interested. Electives can be pursued in Boston Medical Center, Boston Children’s Hospital, or any other institution in Boston. Residents can take one away elective in a different state or country.

  • Neuro-oncology and NF clinic
  • Neuro-ophthalmology
  • Pediatric stroke
  • Surgical epilepsy
  • Neuroimmunology / multiple sclerosis
  • Neuromuscular disease/EMG
  • Headache / chronic pain / Botox clinic
  • Sleep medicine
  • Movement disorders
  • Neuro-infectious diseases

Research electives

Residents can choose to spend elective time pursuing a clinical or basic science research project in collaboration with faculty members in child neurology or in other departments at Boston University. Such projects can culminate in presentations at national meetings and publishable papers. Previous experience in research is not necessary.

Our goal is to improve health and achieve health equity for all people worldwide. Boston Medical Center has served the Boston community for more than 100 years. During this period, the faces of our community have changed.

The vision of our institution is to provide exceptional care without exception and our mission is to make Boston the healthiest urban population by year 2030. Since our patients come from every corner of the world, it is a priority to collaborate with colleagues across the whole planet on improving health and achieving health equity for children with pediatric and neurological problems by promoting study, research, and practice.

We have several opportunities to be part of a team of global health practitioners, including several destinations across the globe that our residents can benefit from. You can be part of a Neurology team that goes every year to Haiti, select a country or a project that you want to go to, or develop a project of your own. We believe these opportunities can be life-changing. 

You will have an opportunity to see patients from all over the world in their local environments. Every patient will help teach you their culture, language and beliefs that are part of health care. There are many opportunities to study topics in this area. Boston University has a very strong global health program with a lot of experience and superb resources all over the world.

Residents will have an opportunity to present, comment, and discuss cases with local, national, and international physicians during the bi-annual Kuna Abroms or by becoming a member of Academia Iberoamericana de Neurologia Pediatrica, American Academy of Pediatrics, and ICNA.

Interested residents can help prepare the newsletter of the Section of Global Health for the American Academy of Pediatrics and meet leaders in global health every year at the AAP NCE meeting or other national and international congresses. You can also support the efforts of the Academy to offer development grants thought ICATCH, a program which aligns well with our goals.