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Sacral Fracture Outcomes



Steering Committee

Study Materials

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Open and Enrolling

Mo Bhandari



3.  rhBMP-2


Jim Goulet


Research Design

4.  Femur Outcomes


Cliff Jones



5.  Damage Control

Study Registration

Sean Nork  

Inclusion Criteria

6.  Sacral Fractures


Dave Templeman


Exclusion Criteria

7.  Ankle Plating

Paul Tornetta

8. Scapula Fractures



A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study of Sacral Fractures Using Patient Based and Objective Outcomes.


There is wide variation in the current treatment of pelvic ring trauma. This divergence in practice patterns includes the use of either operative or non-operative care for the same fractures. Sacral fractures are among the most common pelvic injuries, comprising 75% of all those seen at most centers. The appropriate treatment of this fracture is vigorously debated despite the common goal of improving patient outcomes. While significant displacement is a universal operative indication in healthy individuals, lesser degrees of displacement are treated operatively and nonoperatively.

The lack of consensus in the treatment of sacral fractures is due to a poor understanding of patient outcomes following following operative and nonoperative treatment, a poor understanding of how the morbidities associated with a specific treatments affect patient outcome, and a lack of data that prevents any meaningful comparison of operative and non-operative treatment.

The purpose of this study is to define the outcomes, both patient based and radiographic, for sacral fractures based upon injury pattern, displacment, and treatment. This will aid the orthopaedist in determining the best course for those patients with mild to moderate displacement. Multiple centers will be included and not asked to change their protocols for management. The prospective evaluation will gather specific data points on mechanism of injury, displacements, position at union, and disease specific and general health outcomes.


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Research Design


This project will be a prospective observational cohort study of all unilateral sacral fractures seen across 20+ trauma centers.  Inclusion criteria will be all patients 18 – 80 yo with unilateral sacral fractures.  Patients unable to comply with outcome measures, prisoners, pregnant women, those with APC injuries, Zone 3 sacral fractures, and those unable to comply with followup will be excluded.  As there is substantial variation in the treatment protocols between centers, the study will be designed as observational, with comparisons of outcomes for similar injuries being performed apriori after the study is complete.  In particular, there is interest in evaluating the VAS and outcomes data for “minimally” displaced fractures treated operatively and nonoperatively.  Minimally displaced will be defined as less than 8mm displacement of the sacrum.  Thus, operative and nonoperative cases will be included.  All patients will follow the same postoperative protocol if possible based on additional injuries.  Multiple trauma patients will be included. Data on operative cases will be gathered including the method of reduction, the implants utilized posteriorly and anteriorly. 

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Baseline information on each awake and alert patient will be obtained during their initial hospitalization. The Majeed pelvic score, the SMFA, MMSE, and a visual analog scale for pain (0-10) will be utilized. The VAS pain will be obtained within the first 24 hours, at 7-10 days, and at 21 ± 7 days in addition to all scheduled follow-ups. The validated outcome scores will be obtained at the initial hospitalization, the 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, 12 month, and if available, the 24 month followup.


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Inclusion Criteria

  1. >=18 years old and <=80 years old

  2. Unilateral sacral fractures

  3. Informed consent obtained

  4. Patient is English speaking

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Exclusion Criteria:

  1. APC injuries

  2. Zone 3 sacral fractures

  3. Displaced Acetabular fracture

  4. Pregnant Women

  5. Unable to comply with outcome measures, postoperative rehabilitation protocols or instructions (e.g. head injured or mentally impaired)

  6. Unlikely to follow-up in surgeon's estimation

  7. Incarcerated

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