Nurses are often on the front lines of caring for patient with substance use disorders (SUD) and often interact with these patients when they are most distressed, in the throes of withdrawal, or with altered behaviors due to intoxication. 

The Grayken Center for Addiction, in partnership with the Substance Use Disorder Nursing Council launched the nation’s first addiction fellowship for registered nurses. The goal of this fellowship is to provide nurses with comprehensive, immersive, and specialized training in the care of persons with SUD. 

About the Fellowship

Addiction nursing fellows spend one day per week participating in clinical and educational activities that are focused on SUD. The fellowship spans six months, with two nurse fellows per cycle. The fellowship is based on a mixture of experiential and didactic learning opportunities to engage fellows in settings that are focused primarily on treatment and harm reduction. 

Fellows participate in patient care in BMC clinical settings and observe treatment in partnered community-based settings. Nurse fellows perform patient assessments, develop treatment plans for patients, and learn to present patient’s SUD needs to a clinical supervisor. 

Fellows also participate in didactic learning opportunities (lectures and case conferences) with the Addiction Medicine Fellows. This learning is supplemented with nursing focused tutorials offered by the faculty of the Addiction Nursing Fellowship, and by self-paced study of online addiction nursing curriculums. 


Leadership and Faculty

Interested in Applying for the Fellowship?

Application for the next cycle is open 

Application can be downloaded here

All completed applications must be submitted to by November 8, 2024