family faces


Confidential One-On-One Support for Your Family

All communications are free and confidential.

The Helpline has trained and caring master's-level specialists ready to help any parent struggling with a child's drug or alcohol use. They are here to listen, help you find answers and make an action plan. Call, connect via live chat or email to get help.

How You Can Reach Us

Parent Addiction Coaching call

Call 1-855-378-4373

Call Now or Make an Appointment with a Parent Specialist
from the Partnership to End Addiction
M-F: 9am- Midnight ET
Weekends: 12pm-5pm ET 

Parent Specialists will listen to your story – the challenges, setbacks, obstacles and myriad emotions that often go along with a child's substance use.

Given that there is no one-size-fits-all approach and each family is unique, they'll propose a personalized course of action, offering the best tools and resources to help you help your child, yourself and your family.

In case specialists are busy helping another family, please use any of the following options to reach out or schedule an appointment for a later time.

Parent Addiction Coaching phone

Text 55753

Text a Parent Specialist from the Partnership to End Addiction
Receive a response within 24-48 hours

To allow Helpline specialists to provide the best help possible,
please include as many details as possible in your message, such as:

  • Your son or daughter's age
  • The primary drug you're concerned about
  • Whether or not your child has been to or sought treatment
  • Any questions you may have

Parent Addiction Coaching email

Send an email

Email a Parent Specialist from the Partnership to End Addiction
Receive a response within 24-48 hours

To allow Helpline specialists to provide the best help possible,
please include as many details as possible in your message, such as:

  • Your son or daughter's age
  • The primary drug you're concerned about
  • Whether or not your child has been to or sought treatment
  • Any questions you may have

If you've searched online for help or treatment for your loved one, you've likely encountered what are advertised as free treatment referral services. These services are frequently affiliated with private, for-profit treatment providers. Those providers may indeed offer reputable treatment, but it's important to be well informed before engaging with a service that could be putting someone else's bottom line above the best interests of your family. We are a nonprofit, and our services are made available for the sole purpose of helping you find the best solutions for your child and your family.

The Helpline is not a crisis hotline.

If you are in need of immediate or emergency services, please call 911 or a 24-hour crisis hotline such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or the National Domestic Violence hotline 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).

Families Can Heal

A Massachusetts father shares his experience of facing his son’s prescription drug abuse and explains that while families can be torn apart by addiction, families can also heal.

  • "You were a safety net when I felt like I was drowning. You had resources to suggest and knew just what to say. Thank you for being there." – Helpline Caller

Support and Guidance for Parents of Drug Addicted Children

Get the ongoing support and information you need to address your son or daughter's substance use. Click on the titles below for quick links to additional resources from the Partnership to End Addiction.


Publicly Funded Family Intervention Programs 
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance Addiction Services supports a number of Family Intervention programs across the state.

Learn to Cope
Learn to Cope is a non-profit support network that offers education, resources, peer support and hope for parents and family members coping with a loved one addicted to opiates or other drugs.

NAMI Family Support Groups
Resources and support for parents of children with mental illness, including substance use.

Allies in Recovery
Free online learning platform for families whose loved one struggles with drugs or alcohol.

Addiction and Recovery Information for Massachusetts Families

Police Station "Angel" Programs
The Police-Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative began at the Gloucester Police Department. People struggling with opioid use who ask the police for help will be taken to the hospital and put into treatment, without arrest.

Naloxone (Narcan) Locator Services
At Massachusetts pharmacies, Naloxone can be obtained with or without a prescription. All Massachusetts pharmacies that are licensed from the Board of Pharmacy must always have a supply of Naloxone kits. The Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution program is also available to teach individuals how to recognize an overdose and how to administer Narcan.

Medication for Addiction Treatment
Massachusetts funds a statewide buprenorphine Helpline that assist in finding access to addiction medication near you. Call 866.414.6926 to get help. The SAMHSA Treatment locator can also be used to find Medication-Assisted Treatment practitioners.

Harm Reduction Services (Needle Exchange)
Boston Health Care for the Homeless offers medical monitoring and support for 8-10 individuals at a time via its program Supportive Place for Observation and Treatment (SPOT); AHOPE Needle Exchange in Boston provides safe needle access, Naloxone access and support; and The Overdose Education and Naloxone Distribution Program provides harm reduction services by educating those interested in the administration of Naloxone. For more Massachusetts based services, review this interactive map.

  • "I've heard from countless young people that the reason they got into recovery was because of a parent who fought for them when they couldn't figure out how to help themselves."
    - Pat A., LPC, Master Addictions Counselor

Peer Recovery Coaches
Massachusetts Substance Use Helpline offers a recovery coach program. Coaches act as role models, peers and educators to those in early recovery. A similar program is also available from Massachusetts Organization for Addiction Recovery.

AddictionTreatment and Recovery Services in Massachusetts
The Massachusetts Substance Use Helpline is the only statewide, public resource for finding substance use treatment and recovery services. Helpline services are free and confidential. Visit or call 800-327-5050.

Involuntary Hold/Commitment Laws
Section 35 (Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 123) permits the courts to involuntarily commit a person whose alcohol or other drug use puts themselves or others as risk. It can lead to inpatient substance use treatment for up to 90 days. Section 35 is an option of last resort and should only be used when all other treatment options have not worked for your loved one, and they are an immediate danger to themselves or others.

Hepatitis C Testing Programs 
Primary Care doctors and community health centers offer hepatitis C, HIV and STD testing as well as vaccinations for hepatitis A and B. If your loved one doesn’t have a doctor, he or she can visit one of many community testing programs around the state. If they test positive, treatment options are available.

Massachusetts Marijuana Laws
The Medical Use of Marijuana Program registers qualified patients to access marijuana for medical use. For more information on state laws and regulations pertaining to marijuana visit

About This Project

Families concerned about their child’s substance use come in all shapes in sizes: You may be the grandparent of a young teen who isn’t using substances, but whose friends are. You may be the mom of a son who is struggling with active opioid use. You may be the dad of a daughter in recovery. Whatever substance use related challenges your family may be facing, you can start finding help and support here.