Renovascular hypertension is a type of high blood pressure (hypertension) caused by the narrowing of one or both of the blood vessels connected to the kidneys. The same fatty plaques that damage artery walls and cause heart disease can be at fault, along with other conditions. The narrowing (stenosis) can cause severe high blood pressure and kidney damage. Symptoms include severe high blood pressure, high blood pressure that doesn’t respond to medication or stops responding when it did previously, and high blood pressure with no family history.
Departments and Programs Who Treat This Condition
Cardiovascular Center
Our expert, multidisciplinary team offers a wide range of services to both treat and prevent cardiac diseases and conditions. From stents to smoking cessation, we can help you kee…
Kidney Medicine
The team at BMC offers expert, personalized care for all forms of acute and chronic kidney diseases and specializes in complex clinical problems ranging from consultative nephrolo…