Campus Construction Update

As part of our work to ensure the look of our campus matches the exceptional care you've come to expect, we're closing the corridor between the Moakley and Menino lobbies for approximately one month, starting on Saturday, Aug. 10. Thank you for your patience during this time.

Click here to learn more about our campus redesign. 

Egusi soup is a staple across Nigeria and in many parts of West Africa. The soup takes its name from the seeds that both thicken and flavor it. Egusi soup typically features meat (such as beef, smoked poultry, goat, cow skin, and offal) and seafood, as well as nutritious bitter greens. 

Egusi soup is served with eba! Find the eba recipe here.


Stockfish - 12 pieces Meat – 1 lb meat of choice (lean stew beef, chicken etc.) Bouillon – 1 maggi cube, or 1 teaspoon bouillon paste Bay_leaf – 1 Curry_powder – 1 ½ teaspoon Thyme – 1 teaspoon, dry Rosemary – sprig, fresh or ½ teaspoon dried Red_Pepper_Flakes – 1 teaspoon (optional) Garlic – 3 cloves, minced Onion – 2 , diced, divided Tomato – 1, roughly chopped Habanero – 3 each Bell_Pepper – ½ red, roughly chopped Crayfish – 1 cup, dried Red_Palm_oil – 3 Tablespoons Egusi_Seed – 2/3 cup, ground Spinach – 6 cups, sliced Bitter_Leaf – ½ cup Salt – to taste


Step 1
Soak stockfish in boiling water for 10 minutes to rehydrate and remove any sand, then strain.
Step 2
In a pot, cover the meat or fish with water, add 1 ½ teaspoon salt, and 1 bouillon cube, and 1 bay leaf , curry powder, thyme, red pepper flakes, garlic, ½ onion. Cover pot, and allow to boil. Boil until meat is tender ~ 30 minutes, or according to your taste.
Step 3
Combine ½ cup water, the tomato, habaneros, ½ onion, 1 bell pepper in a blender and blend until smooth. Set the rest aside.
Step 4
Add crayfish + 1 cup water to a blender, blend until smooth.
Step 5
Heat red palm oil over medium, in a soup pot. Add ½ onion and cook until softened. Add the ground egusi seed and mix. The mixture should be thick.
Step 6
Add the blended tomato mixture and the blended crayfish. Cook for about 10 minutes, then add the stockfish, meat, and the cooking liquid from the meat. Bring to a simmer and then add the bitter leaf and spinach. Cook 10 more minutes. Serve with eba.


Nutrition Information