Links to Government Agencies, Research Foundations, Websites and Other Resources

Federal Agencies                 
State Agencies
Research Foundations
Other Funding Resources
Government Contracting

Federal Agencies

Note – each agency has their own set of guidelines and forms as indicated in their Request for Proposal (RFP).

Agency for HealthCare Research & Quality (AHRQ)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)   
Department of Defense (DOD) 
Health Resource Services Association (HRSA) 
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)   
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA funding opportunities - CBD, Federal Register, etc.) 
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Science Foundation (NSF)   
Office of Naval Research 
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Association (SAMSA)
Other common agency applications and funding opportunities can be found under the Department of Health and Human Services umbrella website at

State Agencies

Link to local government funding opportunities starting with the Boston Public Health Commission(BPHC) website for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts applications and the City of Boston funding website, CommPass.

Although the proposal preparation for city applications requires different forms and formats, many funding announcements and application procedures can be found on the Comm-Pass website. Searching for funding opportunities on the Comm-Pass site should start with clicking onSOLICITATIONSOPEN SOLICITATIONS and then by ENTITY.

Research Foundations

Link to important Research Foundations--each have their own set of guidelines and forms--please read the guidelines carefully and adhere to them closely.

American Cancer Society (ACS) 
American Heart Association (AHA)  
American Lung Association (ALA)  
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation (JDF)
National Kidney Foundation (NKF) 

Other Funding Opportunity Resources

CenterWatch (Clinical Trials Listing Service)  
Commerce Business Daily  
Community of Science  
Office of Federal Register Online  
Foundation Center Online   
(Web-database for young scientists who are looking for support for biomedical Research and Training. Introduced by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the American Association for the Advancement of Science)
NIH Guides

Government Contracting 

Code of Federal Regulations
Government Contracting Resource Center (Govcon)
US Code Search

More Resources: Extensive List of Agency and Foundation Websites