Cập nhật chính sách không phân biệt đối xử

Hệ thống Y tế Trung tâm Y tế Boston tuân thủ luật dân quyền hiện hành của Liên bang và không phân biệt đối xử dựa trên tuổi tác, chủng tộc, màu da, nguồn gốc quốc gia (bao gồm trình độ tiếng Anh hạn chế và ngôn ngữ chính), tôn giáo, văn hóa, khuyết tật về thể chất hoặc tinh thần, tình trạng kinh tế xã hội, giới tính, khuynh hướng tình dục và bản dạng giới và/hoặc biểu hiện giới tính. BMCHS cung cấp hỗ trợ và dịch vụ miễn phí cho người khuyết tật và dịch vụ ngôn ngữ miễn phí cho những người có ngôn ngữ chính không phải là tiếng Anh.

Để đọc Tuyên bố không phân biệt đối xử đầy đủ của chúng tôi, hãy nhấp vào đây.

This is the flipped image with edited words to have the logo better show in the navigation on the site.

At the BMC Cancer Center, our focus is on providing compassionate, comprehensive care from diagnosis through recovery. In addition to excellent clinical care, we offer patient navigation, multilingual support groups, and dedicated social workers to guide you and your family every step of the way.

Leading Expertise

Lifesaving Cellular Therapies

This includes expert-led, CAR T-cell treatments tailored specifically to you.

50+ Clinical Trials

Trials are available for all cancer types and designed to address each patient's specific situation.

Dedicated Patient Navigators

Our navigators connect you to vital resources, so you can focus on your treatment.

BMC's Cancer Center is recognized as “High-Performing” by U.S. News and World Report

Learn Why

Meet the Doctors Who Are Rewriting Healthcare

Our cancer center doctors are redefining patient care by providing innovative treatments, expert knowledge, and unwavering compassion to patients from all communities.
Meet Our Team
Now I’m feeling great and can do everything I used to ... I still can’t believe how blessed I am — I tell everyone, CAR T changed my life. Arminta Graham, BMC Cancer Center patient
Read Her Story Meet Dr. Fabio Petrocca

Programs and Clinics

Our team of hematology experts treat all forms of blood cancer and related cancers, including leukemia and lymphoma.
BMC’s Breast Cancer Program team is here for you from diagnosis through the end of your treatment, with comprehensive care built around you and your life.
Our endocrine specialists are highly trained in complex and innovative treatments for conditions including thyroid cancer, neuroendocrine tumors, adrenal tumors, and more.
Our expert team treats all cancers of the gastrointestinal system, as well as pancreatic and liver cancers, with surgery, chemotherapy, and more.
Our multidisciplinary team is here to provide comprehensive care for all cancers of the urinary tract, genitals, prostate, and adrenal gland.
The Gynecologic Oncology Program at BMC treats all cancers of the female reproductive system with compassion and expertise.
Our multidisciplinary team brings together experts who collaborate on your unique head and neck cancer care from consultation through treatment and follow-up.
Brain and spine tumors need a comprehensive and personalized approach. Our neurosurgeons who specialize in cancer care work across the hospital to provide the best care possible.
Our multidisciplinary program brings together an expert, collaborative team focused on treating various types of sarcomas through innovative and advanced treatments.
Our program offers oncology, dermatology, surgery, and more for all types of skin cancers, so your cancer treatment fits your life, not the other way around.
Our team, which ranges across surgery, radiology, pulmonology and more, offers personalized, compassionate, and innovative care for all thoracic cancers.

Find Resources and Support

Cancer can affect every part of your life, as well as the lives of family, friends, and other caregivers. BMC offers support and resources to help you through this time, as well as advice on how to take the best care of yourself and what to expect.

See Resources

Cancer Center Services

No matter what type of cancer you have, you'll get a full range of care, including medication, surgery, and radiation as necessary. All our patients can also use our support services, such as patient navigation, nutrition services, and more.
Read more about the care we provide for cancerous and non-cancerous blood disorders, including infusions.
Learn how we treat cancer with chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and more.
Learn how our radiation oncology team treats cancer and other conditions.
Read more about surgical treatment for cancer, including biopsies, preventive surgery, and tumor removal.
HemOnc photoshoot 3/24/21
Education and Training

Hematology and Oncology Fellowship

Boston Medical Center's hematology and oncology fellowship includes rotations in stem cells, CAR T-cell therapy, and various cancer specialties, providing comprehensive insight into patient care.


Cancer Clinical Trials

BMC researchers are finding innovative new ways to treat and cure cancers, including cancers of the breast, lung, colon, prostate, head and neck, blood cells (leukemia and lymphoma), and more. While we enroll any and all eligible patients in clinical trials, BMC physicians are leaders in the enrollment of under-represented minorities in clinical trials.