BMC’s Breast Cancer Program team is here for you from diagnosis through the end of your treatment, with comprehensive care built around you and your life, not your cancer. Our team-based approach provides rapid access personalized care, streamlined patient visits, and care navigation, all to help make sure your cancer journey is as smooth as possible.
Location and Contact
Cancer Center
Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Related Departments and Clinics
Cancer Center
Belkin Breast Imaging Center
Breast Health Center
Interventional Radiology
Radiation Oncology
“She don’t treat you like a patient,” said Iris. “She really treats you like family and she takes the time to talk to you, she’s never in a hurry to get through a conversation... I love her spirit, I love her kindness.”Hear more from Iris
Cancer Center Services
Patient Support Services
Cancer Genetics
Medical Oncology
Surgical Oncology
Hematology/Oncology Fellowship
The BMC hematology/oncology fellowship prepares fellows for sub-specialty certification in both medical oncology and hematology. The fellowship provides educational and clinical opportunities at two sites: Boston Medical Center and the Boston VA Hospital, and also includes extensive clinical and basic research.
Breast Cancer Research
BMC offers a number of clinical trials specifically for breast cancer patients. Promising new techniques in the diagnosis, treatment and care of patients with cancer are tested in these studies. The number and types of clinical trials available are constantly changing.