Campus Construction Update

Starting September 14, we’re closing the Menino building lobby entrance. This, along with the ongoing Yawkey building entrance closure, will help us bring you an even better campus experience that matches the exceptional care you've come to expect. Please enter the Menino and Yawkey buildings through the Moakley building, and make sure to leave extra time to get to your appointment. Thank you for your patience. 

Click here to learn more about our campus redesign. 

A 25 minute computerized test called ImPACT (Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing) is used to obtain baseline evaluations of neurocognitive functioning (memory, thinking, concentration, and reaction time) is an aid to determine safe return to play decisions for athletes. Baseline tests are recommended every two years and can be used in comparison to a repeat ImPACT test if a concussion is suspected to evaluate potential changes or damage caused. The test is available in more than 20 languages.

ImPACT Features:

  • Measures player symptoms
  • Measures verbal and visual memory, processing speed, reaction time, attention span, non-verbal problem solving, and response variability
  • Reaction time measured to a 1/100th of second
  • Assists clinicians and athletic trainers in making difficult return-to-play decisions
  • Provides reliable baseline test information
  • Produces a comprehensive report of test results
  • Automatically stores data from repeat testing
  • Testing is administered online for individuals or groups