BMC’s Yawkey building doors are now closed as an entrance as part of our ongoing efforts to enhance our campus and provide you with the best clinical care.

All patients and visitors on our main campus must enter our hospital via Shapiro, Menino, or Moakley buildings, where they will be greeted by team members at a new centralized check-in desk before continuing to the hospital. We are excited to welcome you and appreciate your patience as we improve our facilities.

Group Offerings

Group offerings are an opportunity for individuals living with the same medical challenges to come together to share, learn, and experience mind-body practices in a safe environment.  There are two opportunities for this; chronic pain management and chronic illness management.  These are not times when you will meet individually with your provider and discuss your care plan. Rather, the goal is to help you learn a holistic approach to your health. 

Before joining one of the groups, all individuals will participate in a group wellness session called Introduction to Wellness. 

What is Introduction to Wellness?

This is a one-time, 2-hour, group medical visit.  It is instead of a one-on-one meeting with a doctor and prepares people for the group classes.  At this visit, patients experience a sample of the topics and tools explored in in the class sessions such as meditation, nutrition, and group discussion.  All patients must participate in this class before starting a group. 

What is the Stronger Together - Chronic Pain Group?

This is a 7-week wellness-based group visit for patients with chronic pain. In these sessions, each of which is 2.5 hours, patients will learn about how yoga, acupuncture, mind-body stress reduction, and nutrition can help them better manage ongoing pain. An important part of these classes is developing each individual’s ability to better cope with their pain and help themselves heal. The tools learned can be used not only during the classes, but also at home in order to decrease pain and improve overall wellbeing. 

Living Vibrantly--Chronic Disease Group Visit

This is a 6-week group visit for people with chronic conditions such as depression, diabetes, hypertension, and chronic kidney disease. Each visit is 2 hours per week and teaches patients how to improve their sense of wellbeing. There is a strong focus on nutrition to decrease inflammation, the mind-body connection, and stress reduction. The tools learned can be used not only during the classes, but also at home in order to improve overall wellbeing. 

We offer the following classes to BMC patients and staff. If you would like more information on our upcoming groups please call 617.414.6264.

Body Awareness & Movement

A series of low-impact exercises, some set to musc, designed to:

  • activate and loosen the joints
  • isolate, stretch, and strengthen muscles
  • free up and fine-tune movements
  • improve coordination
  • tune into and release body tension
  • focus on balance and weight shift
  • stimulate and unify energy throughout the body 

The overall goal of this class is to foster a greater awareness of, and comfort and facility with, one’s body.

Wednesdays, 4:00-6:00 PM
Moakley Building, Lower Level
Drop-ins welcome! No cost.

Healthy Steps

A routine of guided exercises that aim to improve lymphatic drainage, range of motion, flexibility, and balance.

3rd Wednesday of the month, 6:15-7:15 PM
Moakley Building, Lower Level
Drop-ins welcome! No cost.


Instructor: Olivia Weinstein

Lessons demonstrating how to make tasty, easy, healthy dishes. Recipe sheets and samples of the dishes are provided.
Teaching Kitchen Info