What is Clean Power Prescription?
Boston Medical Center's Clean Power Prescription is a pilot program that enables BMC providers to identify patients in need and reduce their utility bill using renewable energy. The program, made possible by the recent installation of solar panels on BMC's rooftop, will support the physical, economic, and environmental health of BMC patients and bring eligible low-income households the benefits of cleaner, less-expensive, renewable solar power.
To facilitate the introduction of Clean Power Prescription, BMC recently installed a 356 kilowatt solar array on the roof of its newly renovated administrative building at 960 Mass Avenue. Through virtual net metering facilitated by Eversource, an energy provider and key partner, and by the SMART program developed by the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, BMCHS will allocate energy credits to individual patient homes, which will have a direct reduction on the patient's electric bills.
Who is eligible?
Patients will be identified for this pilot program based on need, program availability, and eligibility, according to these general criteria:
- Patients must already be enrolled in BMC's Complex Care Management Program
- Patients must have an Eversource account
Patients identified for Clean Power Prescription will be contacted by their care team. This is a pilot program, and approximately 80 households will receive monthly energy credits.
Why are we doing this?
BMC deeply understands that health extends beyond traditional medicine to include critical social and environmental factors, such as economic mobility, food access and security, clean air, and adequate housing. We've had a longstanding commitment to the overall health of our community through sustainable and innovative wrap-around programs that address these social determinants of health and health equity. For more than two decades, BMC helped create food security in our neighborhoods through our Preventative Food Pantry and Teaching Kitchen, and our Rooftop Farm provides fresh local produce to our inpatients and beyond. To date, BMC's sustainability-focused efforts have reduced its utility bill by more than $8 million per year, money that has been invested back into patient care.
Hear directly from the co-founders of Clean Power Prescription on why they started this program and how they hope it will help our patients and our community.
How can you join BMC Health System as a partner in this initiative?
Local organizations, businesses, and property owners can partner with Clean Power Prescription by hosting solar arrays that contribute solar credits for BMC patients. By contributing at least 50% of the power generated by a solar array to Clean Power Prescription, hosting organizations may become eligible to receive the Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit from the federal government, which can substantially offset the cost of the solar array installation.
If you are interested in partnership or would like more information, please contact co-founder of Clean Power Prescription, Dr. Anna Goldman (anna.goldman@bmc.org).