Mizajou Règleman Non-Diskriminasyon

Boston Medical Center Health System konfòm ak lwa federal dwa sivil ki aplikab yo epi li pa fè diskriminasyon sou baz laj, ras, koulè, orijin nasyonal (ki gen ladan konpetans limite angle ak lang prensipal), relijyon, kilti, andikap fizik oswa mantal, sitiyasyon sosyoekonomik, sèks, oryantasyon seksyèl ak idantite sèks ak/oswa ekspresyon. BMCHS bay èd ak sèvis gratis pou moun ki gen andikap ak sèvis lang gratis pou moun ki gen lang prensipal pa angle.

Pou li tout Deklarasyon sou Non Diskriminasyon nou an, klike isit la.


Dr. Sarah Valentine is a Clinical Psychologist and Assistant Professor in Psychiatry at Boston Medical Center and Boston University School of Medicine. She is the Director of the Program of Research in Implementation Science, Minority Stress, and Mental Health (PRISMM), and the Director of BMC’s RESTORE Center--Recovery from Stress and Trauma through Outpatient care, Research, and Education. Dr. Valentine’s program of research focuses on the adaptation and implementation of evidence-based treatments for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in safety net hospital and community-based settings. She specializes in the use of community engagement to adapt and promote the sustainability of interventions in settings where marginalized groups receive their care.
  • Departments

  • Specialties

    Trauma/PTSD, Oppression- and discrimination-based stress, cognitive behavioral therapy

  • Pronouns

  • Contact

  • Primary Location

    801 Massachusetts Ave
    7th Floor
    Boston, MA 02118
  • Administrative Title

    Assistant Professor, Boston University Chobanian and Avedisian School of Medicine

  • Residency

    Massachusetts General Hosptial / Harvard Medical School--Behavioral Medicine, 2014
  • Fellowship

    Massachusetts General Hospital / Harvard Medical School--Implementation Science, 2014
  • Education

    Suffolk University, 2014
  • Board Certifications

    MA Psychologist
  • Enterè rechèch

    Trauma/PTSD; Improving access to care; quality of care; enhancing patient engagement

