Nurses are accountable for pursuing lifelong learning opportunities to maintain and increase their ongoing competence. BMC is dedicated to providing high quality education to support this goal. Nursing research and evidence-based practice is emphasized. Quality improvement initiatives and clinical research studies support best practices at the bedside.


What We Offer

  • Frequent in-service education modules provided by unit specific clinical educators
  • A rich assortment of continuing education programs provide opportunity for professional growth and development
  • Hands-on skills and simulation-based education

NPD Team

The Nursing Professional Development (NPD) team is comprised of nurse educators who are experts in their clinical specialty. This team includes both unit-based and centralized educators who plan and implement a myriad of educational opportunities.

Unit-based Education

Competency-based orientation is offered to each new nurse with an assigned clinical preceptor and supervision by the unit-based clinical Nursing Professional Development Specialist as needed.

Competency eLearning modules may be used to meet the nurses' need for a more flexible learning approach.



Consortia Programs

  • Boston Critical Care Consortium
  • Emergency/Trauma Medicine Boston Consortium
  • Boston Collaborative Learning Group for Preceptors/Coaches
  • Chemotherapy Consortium of Boston

Career Development Programs

  • Scholarships: Available as well to assist the nurse in pursuing higher education or taking classes related to nursing, to further achievement of professional goals.
  • Tuition Reimbursement: Available for courses taken outside the institution, or for the pursuit of advanced degrees in the healthcare are arena.
  • Specialty Certification: Staff is encouraged to become certified in their specialty, such as oncology certified nurses, med-surg, critical care and emergency nursing.

Continuing Education Programs

Generic and specialty programs are offered throughout the year. Nurses have the opportunity to attend classroom programs on site, within the Boston community (consortia) and via a web-based education system. Some programs offered include:

  • Understanding and responding to domestic and sexual violence
  • Preceptor Workshop
  • Annual Integrative Nursing Conference
  • Basic Dysrhythmias
  • Schwartz Rounds
  • Trauma Care Everywhere
  • TNCC
  • Reiki, Resiliency and Aromatherapy
  • Simulation based team trainings: BESTT, OB, ED Trauma Team
  • Communication based programs- Advanced care planning
  • Quality and safety rounds