The Division of Hip and Knee Arthroplasty, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery has been awarded National Grant Funding
Congratulations to Dr. David Novikov and Dr. Ayesha Abdeen who have been awarded a national Foundation for Arthroplasty Research and Education (FARE) Grant from the American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons (AAHKS). The funds will be used to conduct a study investigating the role of peri-operative adjunctive probiotics in the prevention of recurrent prosthetic joint infection of the hip and knee. Dr. Novikov is a Boston University (BU) Orthopaedic Surgery Resident who will be completing his fellowship in Adult Hip and Knee Reconstruction at New York University (NYU) in 2024-25. The study will be conducted jointly at the BU Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and NYU Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. Dr. Abdeen, Chief of the division of Hip and Knee Arthroplasty at Boston Medical Center, will serve as the study Principal Investigator at BU in collaboration with Dr. Ran Schwarzkopf as Co-Investigator at NYU.
Boston Magazine names 2022 "Top Docs"
Boston Magazine has published its list of “Top Docs,” and included Dr. Paul Tornetta III, Dr. Ayesha R. Abdeen and Dr. Andrew B. Stein from the Orthopedic Department. The care that they provide to our patients and our community is exceptional, and this recognition is well-deserved.
Congratulations to Louis Gerstenfeld, PhD!
Louis Gerstenfeld, PhD, Director of the Orthopedic Research Laboratory, has been selected by the Orthopaedic Research Society and the ORS International Section of Fracture Repair (ISFR) as the 2022 recipient of the inaugural ORS ISFR Lifetime Achievement Award. This award proudly honors highly accomplished individuals who have throughout their career demonstrated and promoted the highest values of the ORS ISFR (collaboration, diversity, mentorship, innovation, scientific excellence) in their leadership, service, education, and professional relationships.
Congratulations to Dr. Paul Tornetta III
November 24, 2021 - We are pleased to announce that our Chief of Orthopaedic Surgery, Paul Tornetta III, MD, was recently appointed as the Second Vice-President of The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and will be President in 2024! Found in 1933, the Academy is the preeminent provider of musculoskeletal education to orthopaedic surgeons and others in the world.
Dr. Tornetta has focused his career on improving patient care and takes pride in promoting a shared decision-making model with his patients. He's passionate about orthopaedic education for the generation of surgeons and (healing pups).
Xinning Li, MD elected to ASES
We are pleased to announce that The American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) have elected Xinning Li, MD as an Active Member of the Society.
Boston Medical Center Orthopedic Surgery Receives Blue Distinction Centers® for Spine Surgery Designation
Boston Medical Center Orthopedic Surgery is proud to announce that it is among a select group of hospitals that received the Blue Distinction Centers® for Spine Surgery designation. The Blue Distinction Centers designation was awarded by BCBS of Massachusetts. To learn more about Blue Distinction, please contact your Local BCBS Company or visit
What to Do If Your Orthopedic Surgery Is Postponed
Daily Dilemmas in Trauma: Your Topics, Expert Solutions
AAOS/OTA Daily Dilemmas in Trauma: You pick the topics. We bring the expertise. Expand your trauma acumen with the operative and nonoperative trauma updates you need to stay current when you take call. In addition to preselected content, faculty tailor the remaining topics to address your preferences resulting from popular vote. From upper and lower extremity fracture fixation to complication management, outcomes and more, faculty bring their expertise to the table.
A dynamic mix of lively debates, case reviews, and rotating small group discussions cultivates a personalized learning environment so you can return to practice with insights, expertise, pearls, and solutions.

Michael Kain, MD Receives William H. Harris Career Development Award in Hip Preservation
Congratulations to Dr. Michael Kain, BMC orthopedic surgeon, for being selected to participate in this prestigious career development experience.
The William H. Harris Career Development Award in Hip Preservation was developed to facilitate the training and career development of young surgeon/investigators interested in pursuing a career in the evolving field of hip preservation. It is a collaboration between the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Washington University and the Academic Network of Conservational Outcomes Research (ANCHOR) study group.
This award creates a unique opportunity for focused clinical/surgical education, participation in the ANCHOR clinical research program and professional networking with experts in the field.
The Department of Orthopedic Surgery Awarded Grant
The Department of Orthopedic Surgery (Award PI: Louis Gerstenfeld, PhD; BMC PI: Paul Tornetta III, MD) received a four year $2,000,000 clinical research grant from the Department of Defense. The objective of this grant is to define a serum protein based diagnostic for the progression and failure of fracture healing. The project will identify a set of serum proteins that appear at early times of biological healing of closed humeri fractures that are fixed non operatively and show a specific correlation with later radiological and functional signs used to define delayed healing and non-union.

Manijeh Berenji, MD, MPH invited to serve as a member of the US Secretary of Labor Advisory Board on Toxic Substances and Worker Health
The U.S. Department of Labor announced Dr. Berenji and 11 other appointees to the Advisory Board on Toxic Substances and Worker Health for the Energery Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) for two-year terms. The Advisory Board consists of members from the scientific, medical, and claimant communities.
The Board advises the Secretary on certain technical aspects of the EEOICPA, including: the Department's site exposure matrices database, which includes information about toxic substances present at EEOICPA-covered facilities, and established causal links between those substances and certain occupational illnesses. EEOICPA provides compensation and medical benefits to nuclear weapons workers diagnosed with medical conditions caused by their exposure to toxic substances at covered nuclear facilities. Executive Order 13699 directed the Department to establish the Advisory Board in 2015.
The Board also provides advice on medical guidance for claims examiners under the Energy program, with respect to the weighing of medical evidence provided by claimants; evidentiary requirements for claims under subtitle B related to lung disease; and the work of industrial hygienists, staff physicians and consulting physicians, and their reports, to ensure quality, objectivity, and consistency.

Dr. Xinning Li to give grand rounds at University of Miami
Dr. Xinning Li invited to give grand rounds to the University of MiamiDr. Xinning Li invited to give grand rounds to the University of Miami department of orthopaedic surgery on the topic, "Management of Anterior Shoulder Instability: Current Concepts for 2018"
American Orthopaedic Association Interview with Paul Tornetta III, MD FAOA
Leadership Lessons Learned, Interview with Paul Tornetta III, MD FAOA

Manijeh Berenji, MD, MPH Elected to AOEC Board of Directors
The Association of Occupational and Environmental Clinics (AOEC) is pleased to announce the election of a new individual Board of Directors member, Manijeh Berenji, MD, MPH. Her three year term begins January 2018. Dr. Berenji is currently employed at Boston Medical Center/Boston University School of Medicine.
AOEC is an organization of occupational and environmental health clinics and professionals dedicated to providing the highest standard of patient care in a manner that is public health and prevention oriented as well as multidisciplinary and patient centered. Through the sharing of information and collaboration in research, the AOEC seeks to enhance the practice of clinical occupational and environmental medicine. The AOEC was founded in 1988 to promote excellence in occupational and environmental health in the clinical setting. Headquartered in Washington, DC, AOEC has individual and clinic members located internationally.
Paul Tornetta III, MD, Appointed Chief and Chair of Orthopaedic Surgery
We are pleased to announce that Paul Tornetta III, MD, has been appointed Chief and Chair of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Boston Medical Center and BU School of Medicine.
Dr. Tornetta has been a member of the BMC community since 1998, most recently serving as Professor and Vice Chair of the Department as well as Director of Orthopaedic Trauma. In addition, Dr. Tornetta has served as the Director of the Orthopaedic Residency Program since 2006. A highly skilled clinician, mentor, and teacher, his clinical and research interests surround orthopaedic trauma and fractures, specifically the treatment and outcomes of pelvis and acetabular fractures, long bone fractures, and nonunions, and peri-articular fractures.
Dr. Chadi Tannoury Receives Prestigious Fellowship Award
Congratulations to Chadi Tannoury, MD, BMC's medical director of orthopaedic ambulatory care, for being selected as a 2018 Japanese Orthopaedic Association Traveling Fellow. Sponsored by the American Orthopedic Association, the competitive and prestigious fellowship allows Dr. Tannoury to travel to Japan to exchange medical ideas and best practices, tour top academic centers, and see historical landmarks across Japan.