The Yawkey building entrance is now closed.

As of April 29, BMC’s Yawkey building doors are closed as an entrance. All patients and visitors on our main campus must enter the hospital via the Shapiro, Menino, or Moakley buildings, where they will be greeted by team members at a new centralized check-in desk. Learn more.

At Boston Medical Center, we offer a wide variety of plastic surgery options that include reconstructive surgery, cosmetic surgery and non-surgical procedures. Our surgeons are some of the best in the country and have years of plastic surgery training and experience. Our services include: Aesthetic and Rejuvenating Procedures, Breast Procedures, Cancer Reconstruction Procedures, Chronic and Acute Wound Care, Face and Neck Procedures, Midsection Procedures, Post-Bariatric Body Contouring and Scar Revision Treatments.

Face and Neck Procedures

Breast Procedures

Aesthetic and Rejuvenating Procedures

Midsection Procedures

Post-Bariatric Body Contouring

Cancer Reconstruction Procedures

Tummy Tuck also known as Abdominoplasty

removes excess fat and skin, and in most cases restores weakened or separated muscles creating an abdominal profile that is smoother and firmer.

Arm Lift, Arm Lipectomy also known as Brachioplasty

reshapes and tightens the under portion of the upper arm, from the underarm region to the elbow.

Belt Lipectomy

is when excess hanging skin in the lower back and buttocks area is surgically removed

Body Contouring or Lipectomy

improves the shape and tone of your underlying tissue that supports fat and skin and removes excess sagging fat and skin.

Body Lift

A body lift improves the shape and tone of the underlying tissue that supports fat and skin. Excess sagging fat and skin are removed to treat conditions caused in part by poor tissue elasticity.

Breast Augmentation or Breast Implants

also known as augmentation mammaplasty, breast augmentation surgery involves using breast implants to fulfill your desire for fuller breasts (breast enlargement) or to restore breast volume lost after weight reduction or pregnancy (breast enhancement).

Breast Lift also known as Mastopexy

raises and firms the breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the surrounding tissue to reshape and support the new breast contour.

Breast Reconstruction or Mammoplasty

after Breast Cancer is achieved through several plastic surgery techniques that attempt to restore a breast to near normal shape, appearance and size following the removal of the breast cancer and mastectomy.

Breast Reduction Surgery also known as Reduction Mammoplasty

removes excess breast fat, glandular tissue and skin to achieve a breast size in proportion with your body and to alleviate the discomfort associated with overly large breasts.

Male Breast Reduction or Gynecomastia

is the surgical correction of over-developed or enlarged breasts in men.

Brow lift also known as a Forehead Lift

a brow lift minimizes the creases that develop across the forehead, or those that occur high on the bridge of the nose; improves what are commonly referred to as frown lines; and repositions a low or sagging brow.

Buttock Lift or Brazilian Butt Lift with Fat Grafting or Buttock Enhancement

is a combination of liposuction of one or more body areas and then transfer of the fat to the buttocks. It is performed under general anesthesia. This procedure can be performed in conjunction with other procedures such as tummy tuck or breast surgery, but may also be performed on its own.

Chemical Peel

uses a chemical solution to improve and smooth the texture of the facial skin by removing its damaged outer layers. It is helpful for those individuals with facial blemishes, wrinkles and uneven skin pigmentation. Phenol, trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and alphahydroxy acids (AHAs) are used for this purpose. The precise formula used may be adjusted to meet each patient's needs. Although chemical peel may be performed in conjunction with a facelift, it is not a substitute for such surgery, nor will it prevent or slow the aging process. This brochure provides basic information about certain types of chemical peel treatments and the results you might expect. It won't answer all your questions, since a lot depends on your individual circumstances. Once you and your plastic surgeon have decided on a specific peel program, be sure to ask about any details that you do not understand.

Environ® Skin Care Products

( Environ Skin care range is effective for the face and body because it incorporates a multi-pronged attack against the visible signs of aging, problem skin (acne) and photo damage.

Earlobe Repair

is performed in our office to correct a torn or over-stretched ear lobe.

Eyelid Lift or Blepharoplasty

improves the appearance of the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both, and gives a rejuvenated appearance to the surrounding area of your eyes, making you look more rested and alert.

Face Lift or Rhytidectomy

If you are bothered by the signs of aging in your face, a facelift may be right for you. Technically known as rhytidectomy, a facelift is a surgical procedure to improve visible signs of aging in the face and neck, such as:

  • Sagging in the midface
  • Deep creases below the lower eyelids
  • Deep creases along the nose extending to the corner of the mouth
  • Fat that has fallen or is displaced
  • Loss of muscle tone in the lower face may create jowls
  • Loose skin and excess fatty deposits under the chin and jaw can make even a person of normal weight appear to have a double chin.

Facial Rejuvenation


The cosmetic form of botulinum toxin is a popular non-surgical injection that temporarily reduces or eliminates frown lines, forehead creases, crows feet near the eyes and thick bands in the neck. The toxin blocks the nerve impulses, temporarily paralyzing the muscles that cause wrinkles while giving the skin a smoother, more refreshed appearance. Studies have also suggested that botulinum toxin is effective in relieving migraine headaches, excessive sweating and muscle spasms in the neck and eyes. (

Fat Grafting

Human fat, harvested from your own body, can be reinjected to enhance facial fullness, fill deep creases and to build up shallow contours. Fat injection requires a more extensive procedure than other injectable fillers because it uses liposuction techniques to extract the fat prior to injection.

Laser and IPL (Intense Pulse Light) Treatments

  • Hair Removal for hair with pigment (i.e. not white hair)
  • Photofacial, removal of pigmented lesions, freckles, age spots, sun spots
  • Small facial veins, spider veins, cherry angiomas, port wine spots

Lip Enhancement or Lip Augmentation

Fills or rejuvenates the lips resulting in fuller, yet natural appearing lips.

Liposuction also known as Lipoplasty

slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits, improving your body contours and proportion, and ultimately, enhancing your self-image.

Neck Lift or Cervicoplasty

A neck lift provides a solution to people searching to improve the appearance of the neck and under the jaw line. This is designed to reduce the look of loose, sagging skin. A neck lift can be performed alone, or in conjunction with other procedures including face lift and chin augmentation. Combined, these procedures can provide a complete facial makeover. A neck lift can even give some people the appearance of lost weight.


removes the abdominal skin that hangs below the umbilicus and causes chronic rashes and skin irritation.

Rejuvenation procedures

are typically performed in conjunction with a facelift are brow lift, to correct a sagging or deeply furrowed brow, eyelid surgery to rejuvenate aging eyes, and fat grafting to renew facial volume.

Scar Revision Treatments

Scar revision is plastic surgery performed to improve the condition or appearance of a scar anywhere on your body. The type of scar you have will determine the appropriate techniques your plastic surgeon will use to improve your scar.

The different types of scars include:


surface irregularities and other more subtle scars can be cosmetically improved by surgery or other treatments recommended by your plastic surgeon. These types of scars do not impair function or cause physical discomfort and include acne scars as well as scars resulting from minor injury and prior surgical incisions. These can often be treated with laser or other non-surgical procedures.

Hypertropic scars

are thick clusters of scar tissue that develop directly at a wound site. They are often raised, red and/or uncomfortable, and they may become wider over time. They can be hyperpigmented (darker in color) or hypopigmented (lighter in color).


are larger than hypertropic scars. They can be painful or itchy, and may also pucker. They extend beyond the edges of an original wound or incision. Keloids can occur anywhere on your body, but they develop more commonly where there is little underlying fatty tissue, such as on the face, neck, ears, chest or shoulders.


are scars that restrict movement due to skin and underlying tissue that pull together during healing. They can occur when there is a large amount of tissue loss, such as after a burn. Contractures also can form where a wound crosses a joint, restricting movement of the fingers, elbows, knees or neck.

Skin Cancer Surgery

Hearing a diagnosis of "cancer" is very difficult to accept. Understanding that treating your skin cancer may result in scars or disfigurement can also be troubling. Your plastic surgeon understands your concerns and will guide you through treatment and explain the resulting effect on your health and appearance.

Quick Facts About Skin Cancer Treatment

  • Treatment of skin cancer, much like any form of cancer, may require surgery to remove cancerous growths
  • Your plastic surgeon can surgically remove cancerous and other skin lesions using specialized techniques to preserve your health and your appearance
  • Although no surgery is without scars, your plastic surgeon will make every effort to treat your skin cancer without dramatically changing your appearance
  • For some people, reconstruction may require more than one procedure to achieve the best results

Skin Rejuvenation

Laser Treatments for Skin Rejuvenation

  • Skin tightening for face, neck, or any other area of body
  • Improvement of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Scar therapy for scars and stretch marks (striae)

Thigh Lift

reshapes the thighs by reducing excess skin, and in some cases fat, resulting in smoother skin and better-proportioned contours of the thighs and lower body.

Wound Care, Acute and Chronic

Our plastic surgeons are experts in wound care and our bimonthly wound care clinic focuses on the treatment of chronic wounds such as non-healing pressure sores.