The Kids Fund
The Kids Fund goal is to provide assistance for children's most basic needs, whether it's a mattress for a family whose home has been burned to the ground, or special formula for a baby suffering from malnutrition, or funds to help send a city-bound kid to summer camp.
Baby Steps
Babies who are born prematurely or are born on time but with complications, are often cared for in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Baby Steps provides developmental evaluations and nutritional assessments for these children once they leave the hospital.
Child Life Program
Child Life Specialists help children and families manage the stresses associated with hospitalization and illness. Each child life specialist has a unique role as the member of the healthcare team and focuses on children's individual developmental and emotional needs.
Child Passenger Safety
One of the most important jobs you have as a parent is keeping your child safe when riding in a vehicle. Massachusetts state law requires that all children under age 8 and less than 57 inches tall be properly fastened and secured in a federally approved car seat or booster seat.
Child Witness to Violence Project
The Child Witness to Violence Project (CWVP) is a counseling, advocacy and outreach project that focuses on the growing number of young children who are hidden victims of violence: children who are bystanders to community and domestic violence.
Children's HealthWatch
Children's HealthWatch monitors the impact of economic conditions and public policies on the health and well-being of very young children.
Community Violence Response Team (CVRT)
CVRT clinicians are dedicated to providing individual and family counseling to survivors of violence and family members who have been impacted by violence. In addition, we have case management and family advocacy services to provide additional support and assistance. All services are non-insurance based and are free to the clients and their families.
Good Grief Program
When children and families face any of life's stressors, they can feel overwhelmed, whether it's acute or on-going, due to illness, a disruption in the family, a death or a divorce, a difficult diagnosis or any of life's speed bumps. Based on the premise that with crisis comes an opportunity to develop, strengthen and master coping skills, the Good Grief Program trains adult professionals to support families and scaffold children so that they may become resilient in the face of loss.
Grow Clinic
When children are diagnosed with Failure to Thrive (FTT), parents need a place to turn for help. While medical treatment to assist children is offered, the Grow Clinic goes beyond that, providing social services and visits to wherever the patient is fed (day care, school, etc.) so that families and caretakers can work together to help the child.
Helmet Program
Boston Medical Center works in collaboration with the Boston Public Health Commission and the Play Safe Campaign to provide low cost helmets to the people of Boston. This program in open to the public in addition to patients at Boston Medical Center.
Nutrition & Fitness for Life
The Nutrition & Fitness for Life Program is an innovative clinical and community-centered obesity prevention and treatment program. Through unique interventions, initiatives and collaborations, the Program seeks to support children and families in leading healthier lives.
SPARK Center
The SPARK Center helps Boston's highest-risk children to build brighter tomorrows. SPARK provides therapeutic, medically-specialized programs for children of all ages based on the philosophy that all children are resilient and able to take control of their futures.
Vital Village Network
In order to cultivate collective responsibility for all children, Vital Village Network (VVN) facilitates collaborative learning and leadership opportunities between residents, community based organizations, and health practitioners. VVN aligns efforts so that together we can maximize child, family, and community wellbeing.
As a network, Vital Village builds institutional capacity both at organizations and in communities by highlighting the strengths that already exist and co-designing leadership opportunities and systems that are sustainable and work to enhance family and community protective factors to ultimately prevent and mitigate childhood adversities and promote optimal wellbeing.
Windows Falls Prevention
As a member of Safe Kids Boston, the Injury Prevention Program works collaboratively with the Boston Public Health Commission's "Kids Can't Fly" campaign. Education surrounding window safety and assistance with scheduling home inspections is available through the Injury Prevention Program at Boston Medical Center.