Chia seeds, grown in Mexico and Guatemala for thousands of years, have become very popular in health-conscious circles in the United States because of their impressive nutrition profile. Chia seeds are the best plant source for omega-3 fatty acids and are a complete protein. They have a gelling quality when added to liquids that allows them to replace both pectin and sugar in this jam. After mixing the chia seeds into the fruit, the jam will begin to thicken in just a few minutes. Try this jam on toast with nut butter, mixed into yogurt or oatmeal, or smeared on a black bean brownie.
Notes: Sugar substitutes are a good alternative to regular sugar if you are working to manage your blood sugar or want to reduce calories or carbohydrates. We like using monk fruit sweetener, erythritol, or stevia.
Nutrition facts are calculated for the use of 1 Tablespoon of granulated sugar in the recipe above.