The Scleroderma Clinic at Boston Medical Center is a multidisciplinary center that offers comprehensive care and cutting-edge research for patients with scleroderma. The clinic is recognized internationally as a leader in scleroderma and is the largest and oldest scleroderma program in New England, offering patients the highest level of expertise, experience, and innovation. Our mission is to improve your quality of life and health outcomes through state-of-the-art patient care and advanced therapeutic research.
Location and Contact
Rheumatology Department
Monday – Friday 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
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Related Departments and Programs
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BMC is a leading center for scleroderma research. The Pulmonary and Rheumatology Departments, as well as other specialists, collaborate on scleroderma research, conducting clinical trials and translational studies to test new medications and diagnostic devices. Our AADC research center also works to understand the underlying mechanisms of scleroderma and fibrosis and find ways to prevent and reverse them. The research team also collaborates with other leading centers around the world and maintains a valuable collection of clinical data and patient samples for research purposes.
If you are interested in participating in clinical trials, please contact Kimberly Finch at 617.358.6785.