Cập nhật chính sách không phân biệt đối xử

Hệ thống Y tế Trung tâm Y tế Boston tuân thủ luật dân quyền hiện hành của Liên bang và không phân biệt đối xử dựa trên tuổi tác, chủng tộc, màu da, nguồn gốc quốc gia (bao gồm trình độ tiếng Anh hạn chế và ngôn ngữ chính), tôn giáo, văn hóa, khuyết tật về thể chất hoặc tinh thần, tình trạng kinh tế xã hội, giới tính, khuynh hướng tình dục và bản dạng giới và/hoặc biểu hiện giới tính. BMCHS cung cấp hỗ trợ và dịch vụ miễn phí cho người khuyết tật và dịch vụ ngôn ngữ miễn phí cho những người có ngôn ngữ chính không phải là tiếng Anh.

Để đọc Tuyên bố không phân biệt đối xử đầy đủ của chúng tôi, hãy nhấp vào đây.

Program Director Contact Information


    Radhika Jhaveri, PharmD, BCOP
    Clinical Manager, Clinical Specialist - Hematology/Oncology
    Director – PGY2 Oncology






    Sita Bhatt, PharmD, BCOP
    Clinical Pharmacy Specialist – Hematology/Oncology
    Coordinator – PGY2 Oncology






All PGY2 Oncology interview will be held virtually for the 2025-2026 recruitment year. 

For general residency questions, please email Radhika.jhaveri@bmc.org and sita.bhatt@bmc.org.

Program Description

The PGY2 oncology pharmacy residency program is an ASHP accredited program that offers a variety of experiences in oncology pharmacy to help fulfill the program purpose. Learning experiences in inpatient, ambulatory, oncology management, investigational drug services, and specialty pharmacy/oral oncology help achieve required goals and objectives related to patient care. Longitudinal experiences such as the oncology on-call program, quality improvement initiatives/research projects, and staffing are also required to meet the goals and objectives of the program. Residents who complete the Boston Medical Center PGY2 oncology residency program will develop the expertise needed to practice as independent, adult oncology pharmacists or specialists.

The resident must successfully complete all required rotations as well as longitudinal rotation requirements to graduate the program. The requirements for successful completion of the program and certificate are outlined in Boston Medical Center's “Feedback, graduation requirements and dismissal policy,” which will be provided to the resident prior to the start of the residency. 

Learn more about BMC's Cancer Care Services

Program Purpose

PGY2 pharmacy residency programs build on Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) education and PGY1 pharmacy residency programs to contribute to the development of clinical pharmacists in specialized areas of practice. PGY2 residencies provide residents with opportunities to function independently as practitioners by conceptualizing and integrating their accumulated experience and knowledge into the provision of patient care or other advanced practice settings. Residents who successfully complete an accredited PGY2 pharmacy residency are prepared for advanced patient care, academic, or other specialized positions, along with board certification, if available.

Program Outcomes

  1. Develop the expertise and skills needed to be an integral part of an interdisciplinary team that provides comprehensive medication management to oncology patients.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to conduct a quality improvement or research project.
  3. Demonstrate leadership skills for successful self-development in the provision of care for oncology patients.
  4. Provide effective medication and practice-related education to oncology patients, caregivers, health care professionals, and students.
  5. Appropriately manage oncology investigational drugs and oncology investigational drug services.

Core Rotations

  • Orientation (4 weeks)
  • Inpatient Hematology/Oncology I and II (5 weeks each)
  • Ambulatory Hematology/Oncology I and II (5 weeks each)
  • Ambulatory Hematology/Oncology & Specialty Pharmacy (5 weeks)
  • Investigational Pharmacy Services/Clinical Trials (2-4 weeks)
  • Stem Cell Transplant/CAR-T (4 weeks)
  • Oncology Pharmacy Management (4 weeks)
  • Hospital Practice/Infusion Center Staffing (4 weeks)
  • Infectious Diseases Consult (5 weeks)

Elective Rotations 

  • Palliative Care (3-4 weeks)
  • Inpatient Hematology/Oncology Consults Service (3-4 weeks)
  • Repeat of a core rotation (3-4 weeks)

Longitudinal Responsibilities

  • IHI quality improvement project or research project supported by the scholarship committee
    • Receive an IHI Basic Certificate in Quality and Safety
    • Final manuscript submission
  • Pharmacy practice (Staffing and On-call)
  • Teaching (CE, case conference, in-services)
  • Medication use system collaborative learning experiences (MUE, Formulary Management)
  • Chief resident opportunity
  • Resiliency training

Teaching Opportunities

  • 1 Resident case conference
  • 1 Morbidity & Mortality conference
  • 1 Multidisciplinary lecture (Grand Rounds)
  • 1 ACPE-Accredited Continuing Education (CE) lecture
  • In-services (Nursing, Physicians, and Pharmacy staff)
  • Precepting PGY1 residents
  • Precepting APPE students (Northeastern University, Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences, Albany College of Pharmacy, University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy, etc)

Pharmacy Practice (Staffing) Responsibilities

  • Weekly oncology shift staffing
    • Infusion clinic: quarter 1 and 2
    • Infusion clinic or clinical rotation: quarter 3 and 4
  • Weekends
    • One weekend every three weeks
  • Holiday assignments
    • 1 major (Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day)
    • 1 minor (Memorial Day, Labor Day, Martin Luther King Day)


  • Estimated Salary: $64,000
  • Vacation time: 12 days
  • Office space with computer
  • Travel/CE allowance (~$2,600/year): ASHP Midyear Meeting, opportunities for additional national specialty meetings
  • $750 cafeteria allowance per academic year
  • $1000 move/licensure bonus
  • Lease guarantee available to minimize security deposit requirements
  • Insurance Benefits: health (100% employer-paid option), dental, vision, disability, accidental death and dismemberment, life insurance