Campus Construction Update

As part of our work to ensure the look of our campus matches the exceptional care you've come to expect, we're closing the corridor between the Moakley and Menino lobbies for approximately one month, starting on Saturday, Aug. 10. Thank you for your patience during this time.

Click here to learn more about our campus redesign. 

"Doctors’ visits were always a nightmare for my family...”
~Tammi (Parent)

Cartoon showing patient sensory overload

The Autism Friendly Initiative is inspired by the experiences of our patients, caregivers, clinicians, and staff.

Patients with ASD have unique sensory and communication needs, which can make navigating the fast-paced and over-stimulating hospital environment a challenge. The Autism Friendly Initiative aims to help meet these needs and create a calmer and more effective care environment for patients.


Healthcare Experience Poster