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Hospital at Home program

Bringing our hospital to you

Excellent, hospital-level acute care in the comfort of your own home

Rather than being admitted as an inpatient, eligible patients can receive the same level of treatment in the warmth and familiarity of their homes. The innovative clinical offering combines in-person and virtual care, as well as round-the-clock monitoring, from a trusted team of doctors, nurses, and other care providers. BMC Hospital at Home remote acute care unit furthers our commitment to providing transformative care that improves access and equity for our patients and community.

What's most exciting about being able to provide this care to patients is that it's innovative and we bring the clinical excellence and care directly to your doorstep.
Tilar Martin-Asirifi, MS, Operations Director, BMC Hospital at Home

What to expect as a BMC Hospital at Home patient

When you enroll as a Hospital at Home patient, we will transport you back to your home. There, a team will set up all necessary state-of-the-art technologies and equipment to ensure that you can be monitored and can conveniently connect with your care team. 

You can expect two in-person visits from a care provider daily—and more if you need them. Your vital signs will be monitored virtually, and you can easily speak with your doctor or nurse by phone or video call on the technology provided in real time, day or night. 

Some of the most common conditions we treat in Hospital at Home are dehydration, heart failure, pneumonia and more.

The benefits of BMC Hospital at Home

Research shows that in-home hospital-level care has many clinical, convenience, and mental health benefits, including:

  • Improved recovery times
  • Reduced risk of readmissions, falls, cognitive decline, and secondary infections
  • Convenient, round-the-clock access to expert care teams
  • Personalized wraparound services based on your specific needs and home environment 
  • Emotional support from family and pets in familiar, comfortable surroundings 

Available services through BMC Hospital at Home

  • Access to inpatient case management resources
  • Access to inpatient specialty consultants
  • Home-delivered meals
  • Infusion therapy and IV antibiotics, fluids, steroids, and more
  • Lab testing, often with quick results
  • Mobile X-rays and other imaging
  • Oxygen and other medical supplies
  • Pharmacy and medication management
  • Physical and occupational therapy
  • Two daily in-home visits with a clinician and additional visits as needed
  • Vital sign monitoring

Frequently Asked Questions

Your care team will identify if you are eligible for Hospital at Home based on your diagnosis as well as other factors. There is a long list of qualifying diagnoses, including these examples:

  • Congestive heart failure
  • Pneumonia
  • Cellulitis
  • COPD exacerbation
  • COVID-19
  • Asthma exacerbation 
Yes, Hospital at Home provides the same quality care you'd get at BMC. This may include medical equipment like a shower chair, oxygen, and a hospital bed. Scheduled in-person visits from a home health aide are also included as needed. Many patients even find they feel better and recover more quickly in the comfort of their own home. In fact, research shows that hospital-level care at home lowers the risk of falls, cognitive decline, and secondary infections. 

When you enroll in Hospital at Home, our team will install state-of-the-art technology in your home, so you can communicate with your BMC care team at the touch of a button — any time of the day or night. The system includes: 

  • Tablet computer for video visits with your care team as well as access to educational content and your daily care schedule
  • Phone with a direct connection to your care team (no dialing needed)
  • Personal emergency response bracelet
  • Monitoring devices to measure your vital signs
  • Backup power supply and backup internet 

It depends on the type of services you need. While many of your visits and services will be video-based, an in-home clinician will visit your home at least twice every day. These visits are scheduled ahead of time so you know when to expect them. 

Yes, everyone you live with needs to know you are being treated at home. You should include them when deciding whether to participate.

No, Hospital at Home is not a hospice care program. It is equivalent to inpatient care. Patients in hospice care are not eligible to enroll in Hospital at Home. 

Your care team will determine how long you’ll remain in BMC Hospital at Home. Usually, it’s about the same length of time that you would spend in the hospital for your condition. 
Most patients can receive all their care at home. If you need a test that cannot be done at home, such as a CT scan, we will transport you to and from the hospital for the test. 
We ask that you stay home while you are on this service, just as if you were in a hospital. Once you begin to recover, you can talk with your team about when you can safely leave the house. 
If the service is not working for you, you may ask to be discharged at any time. Your health care team will find a safe alternative and help transition your care. 
No. If you are eligible to participate in Hospital at Home, your insurance will cover the cost of your care. 

A note for family and caregivers

The Hospital at Home acute care unit provides inpatient level hospital care for your loved one safely at home, with round-the-clock access to their healthcare team. Many families prefer to have their loved ones cared for at home, making it easy to spend time together as they recover. 

While you may want to provide extra emotional support, you will not be expected to provide nursing or any other type of medical care. You can feel confident knowing your loved one is receiving safe, high-quality hospital care, with 24/7 access to their BMC care team for any questions or health concerns.