Mizajou Règleman Non-Diskriminasyon

Boston Medical Center Health System konfòm ak lwa federal dwa sivil ki aplikab yo epi li pa fè diskriminasyon sou baz laj, ras, koulè, orijin nasyonal (ki gen ladan konpetans limite angle ak lang prensipal), relijyon, kilti, andikap fizik oswa mantal, sitiyasyon sosyoekonomik, sèks, oryantasyon seksyèl ak idantite sèks ak/oswa ekspresyon. BMCHS bay èd ak sèvis gratis pou moun ki gen andikap ak sèvis lang gratis pou moun ki gen lang prensipal pa angle.

Pou li tout Deklarasyon sou Non Diskriminasyon nou an, klike isit la.

At Boston Medical Center, we offer two types of weight loss surgery: gastric bypass and gastric sleeve (vertical sleeve gastrectomy). These procedures, which are commonly performed laparoscopically, limit the amount of food you can eat and can result in excellent weight loss. There are some important differences that must be considered when you and your surgeon are deciding on the best procedure for you.

Revisional Weight Loss Surgery

The surgeons at Boston Medical Center also have extensive experience in performing "revisional" surgery for patients who have previously undergone a weight loss procedure. This includes the removal of adjustable gastric banding devices (the Lap Band®) or conversion to another type of weight loss surgery. In many cases, we are able to revise or optimize existing surgeries using laparoscopic or even incisionless techniques. If you are struggling with complications from previous weight loss surgery or simply would like a second opinion, please contact our offices at 617-414-8052 to schedule a consultation.