Campus Construction Update

Starting September 14, we’re closing the Menino building lobby entrance. This, along with the ongoing Yawkey building entrance closure, will help us bring you an even better campus experience that matches the exceptional care you've come to expect. Please enter the Menino and Yawkey buildings through the Moakley building, and make sure to leave extra time to get to your appointment. Thank you for your patience. 

Click here to learn more about our campus redesign. 

  • Kowalisyon Massachusetts pou Prevni Vyolans Zam te bay Doktè Thea James ak Ekip VIAP la Prim MVP pou Lapè 2023 , ki onore moun ki te jwe yon wòl enpòtan nan pwomouvwa lapè ak anpeche vyolans ak zam nan tout Massachusetts. Seremoni an te fèt nan Legliz Katedral St. Paul, kote manm kominote a, lidè, ofisyèl eli, aktivis, ak moun ki gen enterè yo te rasanble pou selebre travay VIAP la. Yo te prezante ekip la tou yon Sitasyon Ofisyèl nan men Sena Eta a, kòm rekonesans travay VIAP pou transfòme repons lopital la nan vyolans ak zam ak swen pou sivivan yo ak kominote ki afekte yo. Senatè Liz Miranda te pwopoze sitasyon sa a epi Prezidan Sena a, Karen Spilka, te apwouve.
Ekip VIAP la poze nan MA Coalition to Prevent Gun Vyolans Peace MVP award seremoni, nan Legliz Katedral St. Paul, ak yon sitasyon ofisyèl nan men Sena Eta a.

  • VIAP te prezante nan Biwo pou Viktim Krim 2018 Semèn Nasyonal Dwa Viktim Krim yo , ki "ak mete aksan sou enpòtans enklizyon nan sèvis viktim yo epi adrese fason domèn viktim krim yo ka pi byen asire ke chak viktim krim gen aksè a sèvis ak sipò, ak fason pwofesyonèl, òganizasyon, ak kominote yo ka travay ansanm pou rive jwenn tout viktim yo." Klike la a pou gade.
  • Enfimyè ki vizite kay VIAP a, Julie Swain RN, te genyen prim DAISY 2018 pou enfimyè ekstraòdinè nan BMC. Gade Julie resevwa prim li isit la.
  • Peter Pollard soti nan Sosyal Innovations Journal   te ekri "Fighting a Contagious Disease in Boston", ki mete aksan sou devouman VIAP pou angajman kominotè ak inovasyon lè y ap adrese vyolans nan kominote a epi travay pou prevansyon. Li atik la isit la.
Anplwaye VIAP Rusti Pendleton, VIAP Trauma Response Team and David Wiley, Hospital Outreach Coordinator (kanpe ak Red Sox bouchon) te òganize patisipan VIAP yo nan yon pwomnad gwoup nan konsè
Rusti Pendleton, VIAP Trauma Response Team Supervisor, and David Wiley, Hospital Outreach Coordinator (standing w/ Red Sox caps) hosted VIAP participants on a group outing to the “Summer Jam” concert last June, where they enjoyed a private barbecue and back stage passes to meet performers.