Anúncios importantes

Atualização da Política de Não Discriminação

O Boston Medical Center Health System cumpre as leis federais de direitos civis aplicáveis ​​e não discrimina com base em idade, raça, cor, origem nacional (incluindo proficiência limitada em inglês e idioma principal), religião, cultura, deficiência física ou mental, status socioeconômico, sexo, orientação sexual e identidade e/ou expressão de gênero. O BMCHS oferece ajuda e serviços gratuitos para pessoas com deficiência e serviços linguísticos gratuitos para pessoas cujo idioma principal não é o inglês.

Para ler nossa Declaração de Não Discriminação completa, clique aqui.

The Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine at BMC and BU Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine strongly believes that the cultural and social diversity of our faculty, staff, residents, and students is vitally important to the distinction and excellence of our clinical, research and academic programs. As a department and institution, we are committed to health equity and reducing healthcare disparities. We embrace and champion justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion.  While our organization has a rich history of inclusion and diversity, we recognize that there is much work to be done to create a fair and just society.

We are committed to the active pursuit of equity and inclusion for our faculty, residents, students and staff. We commit to the support of our local and regional community to create opportunities for employment and education. We support education about social determinants of health and embrace anti-racism. 


The Anatomic Pathology department serves all patients who undergo a procedure that results in the removal of tissue, as well as all services that generate these specimens.
The Laboratory Medicine department oversees all clinical laboratory testing throughout BMC, reference lab referrals, lab information systems, point-of-care testing, and more.