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Chadi Tannoury, MD, FAOA, is a board-certified orthopedic surgeon at Boston Medical Center (BMC) and Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine.

Dr. Tannoury was born in Lebanon and completed his medical training at the Lebanese University of Beirut. He then completed an Orthopaedic Surgery residency at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia and fellowship training in spine surgery at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.

Dr. Tannoury is trained to treat a wide spectrum of spinal pathologies, including but not limited to: minimally invasive spine surgery, spinal surgery for degenerative conditions, reconstructive spinal surgery for deformative conditions, and surgery for spinal trauma.

Dr. Tannoury has won multiple awards and honors recognizing his clinical achievements and his outstanding level of kindness and compassion for patients. He has delivered multiple podium presentations, grand rounds presentations, and contributed to orthopaedic literature with more than 50 peer reviewed articles, book chapters, and selected abstracts.

Dr. Tannoury has also created medical illustrations. His drawings have complimented multiple publications and contributed to better understanding of various spinal pathologies and surgical techniques.

  • Contato

  • Primary Location

    725 Albany Street
    4th Floor, Suite 4B
  • Administrative Title

    Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery, Boston University Chobanian & Avedisian School of Medicine

  • Residency

    Orthopaedic Surgery, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University/Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, 2006–2011

  • Fellowship

    Orthopaedic Surgery of the Spine, Rush University Medical Center, 2012

  • Board Certifications

    Orthopaedic Surgery, American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery

  • Education

    Lebanese University School of Medicine, Hadath, Lebanon