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NEWEST: Non-invasive Evaluation of an Arterial Pressure Waveform Using Ultrasound

Sponsor: Philips Healthcare

Principal Investigator at BMC: James Holsapple, MD

Primary Research Contact: Brandon Finn, BA (617-638-8650)


This is a proof-of-concept study to demonstrate the proposed estimation of an arterial pressure waveform using an investigational ultrasound device. The main procedure of the study is to acquire ultrasound data on the subjects while a standard of care radial arterial pressure waveform is recorded simultaneously. The aim is to compare the clinically measured arterial pressure waveform with the ultrasound-estimated waveform. A sub-study will additionally collect retrospective data on enrolled subjects who had an intra-aortic balloon pump installed as part of standard of care. For these patients, simultaneously obtained central and radial arterial pressure tracings data will be collected.

Enrollment Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

  1. Age over 18 years
  2. Patients presenting to the intensive care unit with an arterial line

Exclusion Criteria:

  1. Pregnant women
  2. Inability to consent
  3. Inability for the study staff to access to neck
  4. Inability for the study staff to access to upper arms
  5. Inability to lie down
  6. Amputations
  7. History of any issues related to medical ultrasound (e.g., sensitive skin to ultrasound gel)
  8. Currently assisted by an intra-aortic balloon pump

Status: Actively enrolling patients