Atualização da Política de Não Discriminação

O Boston Medical Center Health System cumpre as leis federais de direitos civis aplicáveis ​​e não discrimina com base em idade, raça, cor, origem nacional (incluindo proficiência limitada em inglês e idioma principal), religião, cultura, deficiência física ou mental, status socioeconômico, sexo, orientação sexual e identidade e/ou expressão de gênero. O BMCHS oferece ajuda e serviços gratuitos para pessoas com deficiência e serviços linguísticos gratuitos para pessoas cujo idioma principal não é o inglês.

Para ler nossa Declaração de Não Discriminação completa, clique aqui.


Strategic Research Growth (SRG) accelerates the growth of research through collaboration with BMC investigators to craft compelling research proposals responsive to funder priorities. SRG helps teams and individual researchers amplify their research by becoming more effective communicators, grant writers, and advocates. SRG activates and leads teams around emerging research opportunities, many of which are large-scale and span scientific disciplines, clinical and administrative departments, and institutions.

SRG’s continuum of grant-seeking services for government grants and foundation-funded research grants with scientific review processes, ranges from identifying, reviewing, analyzing, and disseminating funding opportunities to cultivating relationships with investigators, internal and external collaborators, and funders. SRG partners with investigators on all facets of proposal development, from idea generation to submission, with a special emphasis on helping investigators navigate the institutional landscape to ensure BMC research is designed to succeed.

Contact Us

If you are seeking funding, please complete the new intake form here.

For any questions, please email Jennifer Fleming, senior director of Strategic Research Growth, at