Atualização da Política de Não Discriminação

O Boston Medical Center Health System cumpre as leis federais de direitos civis aplicáveis ​​e não discrimina com base em idade, raça, cor, origem nacional (incluindo proficiência limitada em inglês e idioma principal), religião, cultura, deficiência física ou mental, status socioeconômico, sexo, orientação sexual e identidade e/ou expressão de gênero. O BMCHS oferece ajuda e serviços gratuitos para pessoas com deficiência e serviços linguísticos gratuitos para pessoas cujo idioma principal não é o inglês.

Para ler nossa Declaração de Não Discriminação completa, clique aqui.

Welcome to the Release of Information Service at Boston Medical Center! We are dedicated to ensuring your medical records and health information stay safe and confidential, in compliance with federal privacy laws and state regulations. 

Contact Information and Hours

  • Address: Boston Medical Center, 850 Harrison Avenue (Yawkey Basement), Boston, MA 02118
  • Phone: 617.414.4213
  • Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Interpreter Services: For interpreter services or any assistance, please call 617.414.5549.

Contact our team for help with any questions or concerns about the release of medical records, itemized billing requests, and more. 

Medical Records and Itemized Billing Requests

To request medical records and/or itemized billing requests, click here.

You may also:

  • Download the Authorization for Release of Information Form
  • Print and complete the authorization form to release medical records.
  • Mail, hand-deliver, or fax the completed form to:
    • Boston Medical Center
      Attn: Health Information Management
      850 Harrison Avenue (Yawkey Basement)
      Fax: 617.414.4210
  • On April 22, 2024, the Office of Civil Rights released a Final Rule which requires covered entities, like Boston Medical Center, Saint Elizabeth's Medical Center, and Good Samaritan Medical Center, and their business associates to obtain a signed attestation when they receive requests for PHI potentially related to reproductive health care. This attestation confirms the information will not be used or disclosed for prohibited purposes. It applies to requests involving health oversight activities, judicial and administrative proceedings, law enforcement, and disclosures to coroners or medical examiners.

Cost: There may be fees for certain types of requests. These fees are based on state and federal guidelines.

Please contact the Health Information Management Department (HIM) with questions at 617.414.4213.

Sensitive Information

We may need additional authorization to release medical records to someone other than the patient or a continuing care facility. This is particularly important for records containing sensitive or privileged details like mental health or substance abuse information. You will need to initial the specific sections on the authorization form that correspond to the sensitive information in your records. This helps us ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and the secure handling of your information.

Processing requests involving sensitive information may take up to 30 days. We appreciate your patience during this process as we work to make sure your information stays confidential and secure. 

Requesting Your Child’s Medical Records

For minors or individuals unable to consent, a parent, guardian, or legally authorized representative must provide their signature. If necessary, they will also need to provide documentation proving legal authority.

Requesting a Deceased Individual’s Medical Records

To request medical records of a deceased patient, the request must have authorization from the executor of the estate.

Requesting an Autopsy Report

To request an autopsy report 30 business days after the passing of a loved one, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact the Health Information Management (HIM) Department by calling 617.414.4213. Only the executor/administrator of the deceased's estate or the person who provided consent for the autopsy can make this request.
  2. Our HIM staff will verify your eligibility based on the authorization to perform autopsy form in our records. If your authorization is confirmed, we will move forward with your autopsy report request. If the form cannot be found, we will reach out to the Pathology Department to locate it or to resolve any issues. The Pathology Department is also available for direct contact at 617.638.5788.
  3. If you are unable to personally pick up the autopsy report, a designated proxy is allowed. A separate written authorization specifying this proxy must be submitted to the HIM Department in order for them to pick up autopsy report on the requester's behalf.

Requesting Birth and Death Records

For certified copies of birth and death records, please contact the City of Boston, Registry Division

If you have questions about the birth registration process, birth certificates, or Social Security cards related to a recent birth, please visit our Birth Registrar page.

Requesting Radiology Films and CDs

To get copies of X-rays, MRIs, nuclear medicine scans, or other imaging, please follow the instructions from the Department of Radiology here

To get copies of cardiac images, please call Cardiovascular Testing at 617.638.8745. 

To get copies of mammograms images, please contact the Moakley Film Library at 617.414.4884.

Requesting Medical Records via MyChart

If you have an active BMC MyChart account, you can request that your medical records be sent directly to your MyChart. Once your records are processed, you can download them as a PDF. MyChart also allows you to request that your records be sent to another healthcare facility; for this, you must provide the facility's name along with its fax number or address. To start a request within MyChart, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Menu within MyChart.
  2. Select Messages under the Communication section.
  3. Choose Send a message.
  4. Select Ask a customer service question.
  5. Choose Medical Records Request.
  6. Enter a subject, and in the message body, detail your request.

Please note that we are only able to send records directly to your MyChart account or to another healthcare facility. For any other types of requests, please click here to submit a request for medical records online.


HIPAA privacy law ensures that you have a right to access your medical records and prohibits unauthorized use or disclosure of your medical information. For more information on your privacy rights, please reach out to the Privacy Office at or 617.638.7919 for any concerns, including:

  • Break the glass requests, which add an extra layer of protection to your electronic medical records
  • Audit request to audit for unauthorized access to your medical records