Research Enterprise and Related Policies
Because we don't all think alike, we've "shelved" our policies under functional categories and sub-categories to help you find quickly the policy you seek.*
When you click on your first policy below, you will be prompted to log in using your BMC email address and password. All BMC policies are also accessible through PolicyTech* and most of those pertaining to sponsored programs (SPs) are categorized under "Research (39)," accessible via the "Browse" function.
If you cannot locate the policy you seek, please reach out for assistance.
Research Financial Conflict of Interest
Following federal regulation, BMC posts its research financial conflict of interest (RFCOI) policy publicly. The policy follows 42 CFR 50, Subpart 5, entitled "Promoting Objectivity in Research."
Pre-award Considerations
Proposal development and submission requires attention to numerous general and financial SP requirements to ensure adequate and compliant budgeting
Screening for Ineligible/Excluded Personnel
Indirect Cost Rate (F&A) and Indirect Cost Standard Operating Procedure
Financial Conflicts of Interest, Research
Procurement of Supplies, Equipment, Services (Supply Chain)
Proposal Submission
Award Preparation
Pre-award and Pre-contractual Expenditures Requirements
General: Proposal Development Through Closeout
General SP finance policies apply to budgeting, other proposal submission requirements, project set-up, and post-award requirements
Indirect Cost Rate (F&A) and Indirect Cost Standard Operating Procedure
Procurement of Supplies, Equipment, Services
Financial Conflicts of Interest, Research
Prior to Award Acceptance
Pre-award and Pre-contractual Expenditures
Residual Balances and Discretionary Funds
Clinical Research Billing and Finance
Clinical research SPs, including industry-sponsored clinical trials, are also subject to SP finance policies. Please see the section above
Systems Requirements
Participant Compensation (ClinCard)
Required Use of Velos-CT (Clinical Research Management System)
ClinicalTrials.Gov Requirements
Research Billing and Finance
Billing and Claims Submission (General)
Ethics and Study Participation
Human Research Protections Program/Institutional Review Board
Records Management
The Research Enterprise is developing a single policy to address a range of SP agreements types, which will be added here upon BMC approval
Significant Financial Conflicts of Interest in the Conduct of Research
Conflicts of Interest (General)
Institutional Conflicts of Interest in the Conduct of Research
Animal Research/IACUC Guidance The related policy requires BU log-in
Institutional Biosafety (and Biosecurity)
Many but not all research policies also apply to non-research sponsor programs (SPs), eg, a clinical or other service program. SPs range widely in type, but they share with research a many compliance requirements stipulated by awarding agencies and/or federal or other laws and regulations. In other words, research projects are a subset, albeit the largest subset, of BMC SPs.
If you have any doubt that your activities may not align with BMC policy, first congratulate yourself for catching a potential error. Everyone errs sometimes. Becoming aware of a possible misunderstanding of requirements and seeking to address evidences commitment to compliance
Please re-read the Policy Statement of the policy that you may have misapplied. If that doesn’t clear things up, contact the SP policy manager, who will meet with you to identify next steps. Ask for urgent attention if you need to engage in the activity soon.
The Procedure section of each RO policy provides a high-level description of the process. If you need help interpreting it, please contact the SP policy manager. She will clarify the steps outlined in the section.
If, instead, you seek process details that the policy doesn't reference, please go to the relevant Research Enterprise team page(s). The Sponsored Programs Administration and Sponsored Programs Finance home pages provide quick links to many process descriptions, and the Clinical Trial Office home page provides a flowchart, FAQs, and a left-hand menu link for clinical research systems FAQs.
If you do not readily find what you need, contact the relevant team for assistance. All RO webpages include a link to contact the team(s). The policies themselves list the responsible ROs team(s) that can identify process details.
As policy job aids become available, they will be posted on this page.
You are not alone – many people are intimidated by policies and with good reason: sometimes they are not written for ready comprehension.
In the last two years, BMC SP policies have been updated for simplicity, use of natural language, brevity, and concision. Please try them out: they may change your mind about policies.
If, however, you would like to review the policy with the RO policy manager, please do not hesitate to reach out.
If, instead, you would like to discuss any concerns about the policy, you may want to contact the relevant RO team All RO webpages include a link to contact the team(s) and all RO policies list the responsible team(s).
Follow these links to Sponsored Programs Administration, Sponsored Programs Finance, and Clinical Trial Office.