La trombosis venosa profunda (TVP) ocurre cuando se forma un coágulo de sangre (trombosis) en una vena profunda, generalmente en la pierna. Los síntomas pueden incluir dolor e hinchazón en las piernas, y la TVP ocurre con mayor frecuencia cuando el cuerpo está inmóvil durante períodos prolongados, como después de una cirugía o una enfermedad. La TVP es grave porque los coágulos de sangre pueden desprenderse y alojarse en los pulmones si no se tratan.

Departments and Programs Who Treat This Condition


Cardiovascular Center

Our expert, multidisciplinary team offers a wide range of services to both treat and prevent cardiac diseases and conditions. From stents to smoking cessation, we can help you kee…

Vascular Center

When the diagnosis of peripheral vascular disease is made and treatment is needed, the Vascular Center at Boston Medical Center offers comprehensive care including minimally invas…


The Department of Radiology at Boston Medical Center is a full-service, academic medical imaging department that performs over 350,000 screening, diagnostic, and interventional pr…

Interventional Radiology

Our highly skilled team provides comprehensive interventional radiology services, including minimally invasive procedures.