A veces, los tumores surgen en la pared torácica, que cubre la cavidad torácica. La cavidad torácica es una jaula de huesos y músculos que contiene los pulmones, el corazón y otros órganos vitales. Como todos los tumores, los tumores de la pared torácica pueden ser malignos (cancerosos) o benignos (no cancerosos) y pueden originarse allí o haberse diseminado desde otro lugar. Sólo alrededor del cinco por ciento de los tumores de la pared torácica son cancerosos. Cualquier tipo de tumor puede interferir con el funcionamiento del cuerpo.
Síntomas de un tumor de la pared torácica
Los síntomas de los tumores cancerosos de la pared torácica pueden incluir:
- Dolor o molestias en el área del pecho.
- Hinchazón
- movimiento deteriorado
- Un bulto o bulto que sobresale del pecho
Los tumores benignos de la pared torácica pueden causar:
- Un bulto o bulto que sobresale del pecho
- Dolor
- Atrofia muscular
Causas de un tumor de la pared torácica
Aunque se cree que las elecciones dietéticas y de estilo de vida, así como los antecedentes familiares, desempeñan un papel en el desarrollo del cáncer, aún no está claro qué causa los tumores de la pared torácica.
Diagnostic Tests
Chest x-rays provide an image of the heart, lungs, airways, blood vessels and bones in the spine and chest area. They can be used to look for broken bones, diseases like pneumonia, abnormalities, or cancer.
Chest X-rayCT scans use x-ray equipment and computer processing to produce 2-dimensional images of the body. The patient lies on a table and passes through a machine that looks like a large, squared-off donut.
Computed Tomography (CT) ScanThis test uses a magnetic field, radiofrequency pulses, and a computer to produce detailed images of body structures in multiple places. You may be asked to drink a contrast solution for better imaging, and you will most likely lie on a moving table as pictures are taken.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)A PET scan is used to detect cellular reactions to sugar. Abnormal cells tend to react and "light up" on the scan, thus helping physicians diagnose a variety of conditions. For the PET scan, a harmless chemical, called a radiotracer, is injected into your blood stream.
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) ScanA stress test is used to gain more information about how your heart functions during exercise. Your physician will monitor your heartbeat and blood flow as you walk on a treadmill, and will then be able to diagnose any problems as well as plan treatment.
Stress TestTreatments
Chemotherapy is a medication or combination of medications used to treat cancer. Chemotherapy can be given orally (as a pill) or injected intravenously (IV).
ChemotherapyMicrowave ablation is a cancer treatment in which microwave energy is sent through a narrow, microwave antenna that has been placed inside a tumor. The microwave energy creates heat, which destroys the diseased cells and tissue. It is a newer method of treating lung cancer that can target and kill cancerous cells and relieve pain.
Microwave AblationRadiation uses special equipment to deliver high-energy particles, such as x-rays, gamma rays, electron beams or protons, to kill or damage cancer cells. Radiation can be delivered internally through seed implantation or externally using linear accelerators.
Radiation TherapyRadiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a cancer treatment in which radiofrequency energy—derived from electric and magnetic energy—is sent by means of a narrow probe that is placed in the center of a lung tumor. Surgical incisions are not required, and the probes are placed into tumors using CT scan to guide the physician. RFA is a newer method of treating lung cancer, as well as cancers of the liver, kidney, and bone. RFA can target and kill cancerous cells sparing healthy tissues that are close to the cancer. Systemic treatments such as chemotherapy and certain types of radiation are absorbed into both healthy and diseased tissue, whereas RFA is delivered directly into a tumor.
Radiofrequency Ablation for CancerThe surgeon removes (resects) some or all of a tumor.
Tumor Resection