The Tuberculosis Clinic at Boston Medical Center offers both diagnostic and therapeutic services for tuberculosis. The clinic also offers case management services, including medication administration and monitoring, patient education, contact investigations as indicated and Directly Observed Therapy (DOT) -- a method of drug administration where a health professional watches as a patient takes each dose of a medication and gives support to improve treatment adherence and completion.
How is Tuberculosis Diagnosed?
Tuberculosis infection is diagnosed through a blood test (interferon gamma release assays) or a skin test (tuberculin skin test, TST). Both tests differentiate whether or not the Tuberculosis bacteria has resulted in an infection. Not all individuals infected with tuberculosis become sick from the bacteria. If there is a concern that a person has become sick from Tuberculosis, additional tests such as a chest x-ray or sputum (phlegm) culture test may be done as part of the evaluation.
How is Tuberculosis Treated?
Tuberculosis is treated with specific medications that target the TB bacteria within the body. Providers will review an individual case and make recommendations on what combination of medication is required in order to treat the patient.
Healthcare Providers
To refer a patient to the Tuberculosis Clinic, providers must complete the Tuberculosis Referral Form and fax it to 617.534.4976.
To schedule an appointment for a suspected tuberculosis case, healthcare providers should contact the TB Clinic Triage nurse at 617.534.4875.
Nuestro Equipo
Karen R Jacobson, MD
Carlos J. Acuña-Villaorduna, MD
Michelle Canning RN
Nurse Coordinator