Core team

Corinne Beaugard
Agata Bereznicka
Casey Calver
Deb Goldfarb
Daneiris Heredia-Perez
Natrina Johnson
Carla Monteiro
Raquel Silveira
Andrea Stone
Kristopher Warren
Tayla Weeden

Faculty by department

Internal Medicine


Kaku So-Armah, PhD

Research Assistant Professor of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine

Kaku So-Armah is a Research Assistant Professor at Boston University School of Medicine. His training is in epidemiology and his doctoral research focused on the role of co-morbid diseases and immunologic alterations in HIV-related cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. He also conducts research on anti-racist approaches to addiction treatment.

Department of Medicine, Section of Infectious Disease

Department of Psychiatry

Department of Family Medicine

Department of Pediatrics

Department of Emergency Medicine

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

School of Social Work

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Placeholder image for doctor
Placeholder image for doctor