The Department of Anesthesiology works closely with other clinicians across BMC to perform essential services across a wide range of procedures and conditions, including services for surgical and critical care patients and patients with chronic pain. Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional care, and is guided by our commitment to patient safety, efficiency, and professionalism.
Leading Expertise
2 books on patient safety
edited by the department, making us leaders in the space
5 specialty areas
all with Board-certified anesthesiologists
Experts in anesthesia for trauma surgery
due to BMC's role as a level 1 trauma center
Location and Contact
Anesthesiology Department
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Programs and Clinics
Anesthesiology Residency
The Department of Anesthesiology provides exceptional clinical training for its residents. The Simulation Center and Media Lab complement the department’s clinical instruction and feature a team of recognized leaders in the field of computer-assisted instruction. The comprehensive instruction our trainees receive assures that they become superb clinicians and physicians with an understanding of practice management and the efficient administration of perioperative medicine.
Anesthesiology Research Overview
BMC’s Department of Anesthesiology is dedicated to improving perioperative patient outcomes through high-quality, efficient, and professional clinical research in the areas of anesthesia, critical-care medicine, and pain management. Clinical research trials include industry-sponsored biomedical device trials, phase II-IV drug trials, and investigator-initiated clinical trials relating to scientific and clinical questions relevant to the practice of anesthesiology.