Actualización de la política de no discriminación

Boston Medical Center Health System cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles aplicables y no discrimina por motivos de edad, raza, color, origen nacional (incluido el dominio limitado del inglés y el idioma principal), religión, cultura, discapacidades físicas o mentales, estatus socioeconómico, sexo, orientación sexual e identidad y/o expresión de género. BMCHS proporciona ayuda y servicios gratuitos a personas con discapacidades y servicios lingüísticos gratuitos a personas cuyo idioma principal no es el inglés.

Para leer nuestra Declaración de no discriminación completa, haga clic aquí.

At BMC, our rheumatologists have extensive experience in treating mixed connective tissue disease, a complex autoimmune disorder. With our expertise in other rheumatic conditions that share features with MCTD, we are uniquely positioned to provide the specialized care this condition requires.

Location and Contact

El Departamento de Reumatología brinda una gama completa de servicios, que incluyen inyecciones en las articulaciones, ultrasonido musculoesquelético y terapias de infusión, para …
The Department of Dermatology is committed to leadership in patient care, education, and research. Our patient care includes services from general dermatology to wound healing, an…
The Pulmonology Department comprehensive diagnosis, treatment, education, and rehabilitation services for a full range of pulmonary diseases and allergy conditions.
BMC’s general/comprehensive neurologists work closely with our specialized neurologists across many areas to enhance our expert patient care. They practice comprehensive neurology…
The Center for Voice and Swallowing offers a wide range of services and specialty care for adults and feeding therapy for children. We team up with many disciplines to make sure w…
Physical therapy can help treat many different medical conditions, as well as preventing loss of mobility and function. Our physical therapists evaluate, diagnose, and treat a var…

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